Is Surf Cup happening?

Maybe Surf Cup Labor Day can be the home opener for the whole SW ECNL? Have two league games instead of a showcase.
"Oceanside Soccer Bubble"

Then have league games in AZ and Vegas. No more showcase, just ganas league games. Better for all.
I have been in contact with EA sports.

They are putting together the 2020-2021 SW ECNL video game.

The league will play its games online. I predict the AZ/NV teams dominate ;)
Plus, we have zero fields to play on right now. Oceanside can be home for all in OC. We need to keep the top top players sharp or we will fall further behind then we already are.
Top Top Players? What does that mean? There's so such thing! Do you mean just getting the National Team pools players together to play?
Wrong!!! Not this year Outlaw. Our team is on the list to play so that's what we were told. Bad information is not good to spread around. Your becoming a virus and toxic Outlaw. Are you playing two sided on here? Why do you even care anyways? Your Nocal and NPL and I dont think your team is best of the best material. I'm not sure my dd team is either but we do get a chance to make our case.

I can't imagine any team or coach would trust you with "manager" duties, Spicoli, but are you aware that teams traveling, from out of the area, are forced to provide a minimum numbers of stays at a hotel approved by the tournament? Perhaps not "this year"... and since "this year" is likely not going to happen, nobody cares, but I'm not wrong... you are.

And so you know... Cannabis Cranium, we've been to The Best of the Rest the last 2 years... as have many other NorCal teams.
Wrong!!! Not this year Outlaw. Our team is on the list to play so that's what we were told. Bad information is not good to spread around. Your becoming a virus and toxic Outlaw. Are you playing two sided on here? Why do you even care anyways? Your Nocal and NPL and I dont think your team is best of the best material. I'm not sure my dd team is either but we do get a chance to make our case.
Last 2 seasons we never stayed at a hotel! Surf tried to slap us on the hand and demand our team to book a hotel! Our response to Surf was - we never replied and stayed in our VRBO/ Air B&B with families and saved money. Each night the team got together for film review and food and had a great experience. Isn't that what your soccer experience suppose to be about?
Last 2 seasons we never stayed at a hotel! Surf tried to slap us on the hand and demand our team to book a hotel! Our response to Surf was - we never replied and stayed in our VRBO/ Air B&B with families and saved money. Each night the team got together for film review and food and had a great experience. Isn't that what your soccer experience suppose to be about?

Yeah... I think the days of them being able to blackball clubs for that are long gone. Not with what... 4-5 brackets in every age group? They're taking the walking wounded now. Good for you guys.
You should stop promoting masks. We know you libtard, rainbow warriors need Kung Flu numbers up nice and high! Well, maybe AFTER Surf and BEFORE November?
That makes no sense. Masks and distancing will bring COVID numbers down. What I find amusing is that dumb Trump supporters don't understand that wearing masks will get soccer and the economy back on track faster and help their beloved president win re-election. Watching Trump anti-maskers is like watching somebody shoot their own feet (and everybody else's).
I have never, ever pushed my dd to play soccer dude. I do see some dads freaking out right now because they have paid over $50,000 for a college deal in soccer and that is looking really bad right now imo. My dd plays soccer to play soccer only. Do you understand that yet? Not the reason not to play if no scouts? Save yourself from injury? If you play for ganas, you find a way to play the great game. You dont get it and you surely dont get me.
Unfortunately no one gets you!! We know your goat plays soccer to play soccer because you mention it in almost every thread dude. We get it! Glad to see you haven't pushed your daughter and without soccer she can go surf and forget about soccer for awhile.
That makes no sense. Masks and distancing will bring COVID numbers down. What I find amusing is that dumb Trump supporters don't understand that wearing masks will get soccer and the economy back on track faster and help their beloved president win re-election. Watching Trump anti-maskers is like watching somebody shoot their own feet (and everybody else's).

It might bring them down... but that's not what you want. If you can't ask a Covid patient if they've been rioting, because it's "racist", how can you trust anything? We can't have soccer or eat at a restaurant... but it's okay to go without a mask if you're painting graffiti in the streets, burning down buildings or launching bricks at cops.

You libtards must be so proud!
Shocking, it turned into a political debate again.

I like how many on here talk crap about surf cup, club soccer, coaches, clubs and leagues. Yet you are the same ones that pace up and down the sideline, the same ones that post on a club soccer forum, same ones that post on social media about their kids accomplishments in club soccer. If you are posting on here or even reading these posts, you are into club soccer and have accepted that you have to pay to play, just like anywhere else where they provide a service you usually have to pay. If you don't like it, drop your kid from club soccer, stop bitching on here and go on with whatever it is you want to do next. Otherwise just contribute with some soccer information or gossip like the rest of us. Not that difficult.
Shocking, it turned into a political debate again.

I like how many on here talk crap about surf cup, club soccer, coaches, clubs and leagues. Yet you are the same ones that pace up and down the sideline, the same ones that post on a club soccer forum, same ones that post on social media about their kids accomplishments in club soccer. If you are posting on here or even reading these posts, you are into club soccer and have accepted that you have to pay to play, just like anywhere else where they provide a service you usually have to pay. If you don't like it, drop your kid from club soccer, stop bitching on here and go on with whatever it is you want to do next. Otherwise just contribute with some soccer information or gossip like the rest of us. Not that difficult.

Are you bitching?
Shocking, it turned into a political debate again.

I like how many on here talk crap about surf cup, club soccer, coaches, clubs and leagues. Yet you are the same ones that pace up and down the sideline, the same ones that post on a club soccer forum, same ones that post on social media about their kids accomplishments in club soccer. If you are posting on here or even reading these posts, you are into club soccer and have accepted that you have to pay to play, just like anywhere else where they provide a service you usually have to pay. If you don't like it, drop your kid from club soccer, stop bitching on here and go on with whatever it is you want to do next. Otherwise just contribute with some soccer information or gossip like the rest of us. Not that difficult.
Guru, spot on again. We have more in common then I thought. These people crack me up. All my dd wants to do is play against the best of the best. What is so wrong with that. If your afraid or think it's not safe, stay out of soccer this year. I know exactly who these parents!!! I got to know them when they took over GDA and all the travel entertainment. Not no more, Them days are gone for good. Yes!!!!!
I do believe real N95 masks help, but not the "face covering" that we are being sold on.
"The bottom line is that any mask that covers the nose and mouth will be of benefit."

“The concept is risk reduction rather than absolute prevention,” said Chin-Hong. “You don’t throw up your hands if you think a mask is not 100 percent effective. That’s silly. Nobody’s taking a cholesterol medicine because they’re going to prevent a heart attack 100 percent of the time, but you’re reducing your risk substantially.”

1) Top Top Players? What does that mean? There's so such thing! 2) Do you mean just getting the National Team pools players together to play?
1) That was three years ago before the GDA made everyone world class. That was BS lie and a money making machine.
2) No, just players who play hard and can hang. My dd never made no YNT list and she is top top still I think. Its been three years since we were all together. Remember, GDA lied their way into socal.......
Last 2 seasons we never stayed at a hotel! Surf tried to slap us on the hand and demand our team to book a hotel! Our response to Surf was - we never replied and stayed in our VRBO/ Air B&B with families and saved money. Each night the team got together for film review and food and had a great experience. Isn't that what your soccer experience suppose to be about?
See, no one was forced. I see it as recommended and help the city hotels out. My wife and I were told we needed to pay a big per deim for the King of Socal ((we paid)) and we were told to stay at the Hyatt. Well, were to poor for that and my wife and I stayed at air b and b. No one forced us to do nothing we didnt want to do.
1) That was three years ago before the GDA made everyone world class. That was BS lie and a money making machine.
2) No, just players who play hard and can hang. My dd never made no YNT list and she is top top still I think. Its been three years since we were all together. Remember, GDA lied their way into socal.......

Just players who plays hard and can hang? Sound like a DOC answer to me. ;) We can all think our kid is a top top player. Parents need to realize that that's not always the case just because a parent can rattled off how many goals there dd scored in any given game. At the end of the day top top players will be seen!!!