Black Lives Matter

I wonder how much business was done among L.A. business leaders at the California Cub before 1988...maybe some privileged people got a 100-year head start?

before In February 1988, the California Club admitted its first black member in the person of Joseph L. Alexander, 58-year-old surgeon and former Army colonel. The club also approved Ivan J. Houston, the chief executive officer of the predominantly black Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company. A "number of Jews" were said to have been admitted in recent years as well.[25]

Head start? Maybe you fail because you're the lowest academic performing race in the country? Maybe you're the lowest performing because you average a 25% lower SAT score than whites?

You think?
No, you aren't. YOU, as we've already stated, have the same opportunities. YOU, as a race, do the worst job of taking advantage of those opportunities. You fucking whining, wound licking blacks, who kill each other 7 times a day but want to continue playing victim, are a piece of work.
I just posted about 3 of the leading private clubs comprising the most substantial financial leadership in LA history. No blacks, but they had equal opportunity?
This idiocy is why you will never get ahead yourself. You’re too stupid and lazy.
Your privilege got you to the lowest middle rung where you reside and you ain’t going any higher.
I just posted about 3 of the leading private clubs comprising the most substantial financial leadership in LA history. No blacks, but they had equal opportunity?
This idiocy is why you will never get ahead yourself. You’re too stupid and lazy.
Your privilege got you to the lowest middle rung where you reside and you ain’t going any higher.

Your fucking race is 13% of the population, bitching about NOT having enough NFL coaches, when you're 65% of the players.

All you do is bitch. You don't value family, you don't value education, you don't value work and you don't value accountability. Check mate.
The Los Angeles Athletic Club had admitted blacks as members since the early 1960s, but it was discovered in 1975 that the club was admitting blacks "on a slower, more regulated basis than whites, in an effort not to offend or lose white men." The clubquickly changed its policies after complaints were made.
I wonder how much business was done among L.A. business leaders at the California Cub before 1988...maybe some privileged people got a 100-year head start?

before In February 1988, the California Club admitted its first black member in the person of Joseph L. Alexander, 58-year-old surgeon and former Army colonel. The club also approved Ivan J. Houston, the chief executive officer of the predominantly black Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company. A "number of Jews" were said to have been admitted in recent years as well.[25]
Your fucking race is 13% of the population, bitching about NOT having enough NFL coaches, when you're 65% of the players.

All you do is bitch. You don't value family, you don't value education, you don't value work and you don't value accountability. Check mate.
First time you ever said check mate?
Every black person I know would whup you at chess.
No doubt murdered by a white cop. Black people don't give a fuck.

The Los Angeles Athletic Club had admitted blacks as members since the early 1960s, but it was discovered in 1975 that the club was admitting blacks "on a slower, more regulated basis than whites, in an effort not to offend or lose white men." The clubquickly changed its policies after complaints were made.

The DEMOCRAT PARTY was the party of Slavery.
The DEMOCRAT PARTY was the Confederate Army.
The DEMOCRAT PARTY was/is the KKK.
The DEMOCRAT PARTY was responsible for segregation/suppression thru out the States.
The DEMOCRAT PARTY was/is responsible for the welfare cradle to grave mentality.

You need to Wake up and face reality as to what a piece of Filth you support...!
