Today in Fascism

When the guy who runs the site comes online and asks about who would take up arms if "they" were going to "forcibly remove" the president, I just feel its time for me to bow out.
The coversation has degraded to the point that I was already tired of all of it, but I cant support that kind of irrational and irresponsible conspiracy bullshit from the site administrator.
Its one thing to watch you people's heads spin around, but its quite another to see it from someone who has all of my personal information on hand.
He does not allow anyone to delete their account, so I will just go on my way.
Seems from that response that you haven't been reading many of your compatriots posts for the last 10 years. It is those posts that have set the tone that Dom is reacting to. You seem to be acting as if this all came out of thin air and you and yours are innocent victims of unhinged individuals basing there attacks on a false narrative provided by the world's media sources and what most consider facts.

When Shepard Smith walks out on a lucrative contract, when most of the actually capable cabinet members quit, when multiple career Republican politicians retire prematurely, when some of those closest to Trump are in jail or under investigation, etc. etc. . . . the signs are all around you.
Seems from that response that you haven't been reading many of your compatriots posts for the last 10 years. It is those posts that have set the tone that Dom is reacting to. You seem to be acting as if this all came out of thin air and you and yours are innocent victims of unhinged individuals basing there attacks on a false narrative provided by the world's media sources and what most consider facts.

When Shepard Smith walks out on a lucrative contract, when most of the actually capable cabinet members quit, when multiple career Republican politicians retire prematurely, when some of those closest to Trump are in jail or under investigation, etc. etc. . . . the signs are all around you.
Seems from that response that you haven't been reading many of your compatriots posts for the last 10 years. It is those posts that have set the tone that Dom is reacting to. You seem to be acting as if this all came out of thin air and you and yours are innocent victims of unhinged individuals basing there attacks on a false narrative provided by the world's media sources and what most consider facts.

When Shepard Smith walks out on a lucrative contract, when most of the actually capable cabinet members quit, when multiple career Republican politicians retire prematurely, when some of those closest to Trump are in jail or under investigation, etc. etc. . . . the signs are all around you.
You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Shep the fag didn’t belong on fox.
MSNBC with the other confused individuals might suit him better.

As a university professor, I teach, participate in professional associations, lecture on various campuses, give papers at scholarly conferences, and review books for national journals and local newspapers: in short, I get around. For many years I have lived in dread of having to answer The Question. Curiously, no one has asked it. At first, I wondered if I had an ego problem. Did I feel bruised to learn that I was not important enough to be asked? Were not more visible and professionally celebrated chaps with similar backgrounds having to face the music? Apparently not. So far as I know, none of the others, whose number is legion, has been asked either. The Question: "What did you know, and when did you know it?" For at the age of fifteen I became a Communist, and, although expelled from the party in 1950 at age twenty, I remained a supporter of the international movement and of the Soviet Union until there was nothing left to support. Now, as everyone knows, in a noble effort to liberate the human race from violence and oppression we broke all records for mass slaughter, piling up tens of millions of corpses in less than three-quarters of a century. When the Asian figures are properly calculated, the aggregate to our credit may reach the seemingly incredible numbers widely claimed. Those who are big on multiculturalism might note that the great majority of our victims were nonwhite.

Never having been much good at math, I shy away from quibbles over statistics. Still, all quibbles aside, we have a disquieting number of corpses to account for.

For it has never occurred to me that the moral responsibility falls much less heavily on those of us on the American left than it fell on Comrade Stalin and those who replicated his feats in one country after another. And I am afraid that some of that moral responsibility falls on the "democratic socialists," "radical democrats," and other leftwingers who endlessly denounced Stalinism but could usually be counted on to support— "critically," of course—the essentials of our political line on world and national affairs.
When the guy who runs the site comes online and asks about who would take up arms if "they" were going to "forcibly remove" the president, I just feel its time for me to bow out.
The coversation has degraded to the point that I was already tired of all of it, but I cant support that kind of irrational and irresponsible conspiracy bullshit from the site administrator.
Its one thing to watch you people's heads spin around, but its quite another to see it from someone who has all of my personal information on hand.
He does not allow anyone to delete their account, so I will just go on my way.
I’m reminded of my old philosophy professor, Soren Kierkegaard who said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
I’m reminded of my old philosophy professor, Soren Kierkegaard who said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Is Ricky up with a new name yet? Richard Snowflake. What a whiny little pussy. Right on the heels of his buddy, nono the mentally disabled, talking about a "Civil War" if Trump is impeached.
I didn't see little Dicky Snowflake start whining about "degraded...bullshit" when his boy said that.
What a chicken.
Is Ricky up with a new name yet? Richard Snowflake. What a whiny little pussy. Right on the heels of his buddy, nono the mentally disabled, talking about a "Civil War" if Trump is impeached.
I didn't see little Dicky Snowflake start whining about "degraded...bullshit" when his boy said that.
What a chicken.
And I am afraid that some of that moral responsibility falls on the "democratic socialists," "radical democrats," and other leftwingers who endlessly denounced Stalinism but could usually be counted on to support— "critically," of course—the essentials of our political line on world and national affairs.
I love these weird Russians and Ukrainians all over the place.
Maria Butina and now these two classy Ukrainian friends of Rudy and The Trumps.
And I am afraid that some of that moral responsibility falls on the "democratic socialists," "radical democrats," and other leftwingers who endlessly denounced Stalinism but could usually be counted on to support— "critically," of course—the essentials of our political line on world and national affairs.
Moral responsibility and democratic socialist. That's a good oxymoron ....
Didn't Trump shout that every day before he was elected?
So she could win!

You having trouble identifying genders along with your own
melanin today......

I'm going to borrow a term from Ricky...
Today I will be a " Giver "....

Color Chart :


" Messy " go ahead and find your " Color "..
Hint : It rhymes with stink.. smells like fish and Gato describes it.

Human Genders :


" Messy "'s a big, big hint ...there's only
You having trouble identifying genders along with your own
melanin today......

I'm going to borrow a term from Ricky...
Today I will be a " Giver "....

Color Chart :


" Messy " go ahead and find your " Color "..
Hint : It rhymes with stink.. smells like fish and Gato describes it.

Human Genders :


" Messy "'s a big, big hint ...there's only