What's your best guess as to when trainings will resume?

I'm not going to judge a group of strangers without any factual evidence. I think you're better than that too.
Here you go. ACLU talks about identy protection at protests being violated by new software that can read a face through masks. Protest and demonstrations have been going on for centuries. Masks have been used to hide the identy of the protester.

As to the rules themselves released by CalSouth some observations:

-The passing rule is a little bit silly. Can't touch any part of the body other than feet. With the smaller children, if it's not passed properly or goes into some scrub, they are going to handle the ball. For the olders, what if it's hit into the air? Seems like an impossible rule to enforce and one which will be quickly broken and/or falls into the "aspirational" category
-I didn't see them mentioning shooting in phase 1 but they do specifically call out no throw ins, headers, touching other balls with their hands. Presumably that means you can shoot into an empty net if players retrieve their own balls but no goalkeepers.
-Goalkeeper training is pretty much impossible at these "camps" if you can't touch the ball. Hopefully phase 1 is short though and the kids need to get back into conditioning anyway if they haven't been doing GK training during the lockdown.
-Funny how they seemed to back away with that 13.1 rule about parents being present. Wonder how that got inserted. Probably an interesting story.
-Cattle call tryouts aren't possible until phase 3 and even then you'd have to get around the field limitation numbers. To the extent there are tryouts, it will be by invitation only (and then only to the extent you don't exceed the maximum pod number set by the county). Impossible to try out a goalkeeper in phase 1.
tryouts near here are signup, then they send you a time.

Other teams are just waiting until they can do at least 1v1.
Bad news for youth sports in California. This is today's public health release and guidelines updating what sectors can now open.
There are guidelines for camps, schools, film industry, casinos, zoos, aquariums, hotels, campgrounds, and fitness facilities.
Nothing specific on youth sports. On the document link under guidelines for fitness facilities on pages 2-3 it states ( I bolded the info on sports) :

This document provides guidance for fitness facilities to support a safe, clean environment for workers. NOTE: Fitness facilities with playgrounds should keep those areas closed until such facilities are allowed to resume modified or full operation. When allowed to reopen to modified or full operation, refer to guidance on the COVID-19 Resilience Roadmap website. This guidance does not apply to day care or child care services, youth camps, team or contact sports, school and educational activities, and other public gatherings. For guidance on summer camps, outdoor recreation, and child care, refer to the guidance on the COVID-19 Resilience Roadmap website. Most organized activities and sports such as basketball, baseball, soccer, and football that are held on park fields, open areas, and courts are not permitted to the extent that they require coaches and athletes who are not from the same household or living unit to be in close proximity, which increases their potential for exposure to COVID-19. Members of the same household may engage in such activities and sports together.

All I can say is unbelievable!

Still haven't seen any guidance with regard to youth sports

Outdoor recreation specifically mentions no sports and page 3

High contact programs and sports that require close contact of less than
six feet in distance between members of different households should be
suspended. This includes activities such as group sporting events, pick-up
basketball, intermural sports activities, races, or dances.
 Limit high or close contact outdoor recreation activities to household
units. This includes boat rentals, basketball and volleyball games, rope
courses, and climbing walls. At campgrounds and RV parks, consider
whether nature walks, movie nights, mini-golf, geocaching, scavenger
hunts, or other activities can be developed for household units in a wayh that maintains physical distancing.

Calling soccer "Day Camp" is nice in theory just don't know if its practical or doable on any scale besides they those that can afford and transport kids during the day.

Are there going to be mass camps held by every club now?
Everything I see indicates it's a little less than 2 weeks on average from infection (4-5 days to symptoms) to hospitalization (5-10 days after symptoms). Positive tests should show up in less than a week after infection if people get tested when symptomatic.

So when you add the 14 day on average incubation period and a week on average to hospitalizations you are at 3 weeks. I said a about a month. I am really interested what that information will be in a month.
Here you go. ACLU talks about identy protection at protests being violated by new software that can read a face through masks. Protest and demonstrations have been going on for centuries. Masks have been used to hide the identy of the protester.

Sure some people may wear masks for that reason. But not everyone. I would argue that most people are using them to protect themselves from possible virus spread.
tryouts near here are signup, then they send you a time.

Other teams are just waiting until they can do at least 1v1.
Some teams have already been mostly formed without an official tryout. We were lucky that my older DD was able to switch to a different team because the coaches had already knew who she was and had seen her play.
I have been watching the numbers in our area religiously and researching information to manage our risk because I am immune compromised with high dose chemo knocking out my lungs years ago and I don't want to leave my kids without a parent. Having said that, what we know today is that OC Health are a bunch of disorganized ding dongs, and it takes 15 minutes of close contact to get the disease through breathing (you can get it from surfaces which sort of doesn't make sense to me with the 15 minute contact conclusion). There is no reason our kids cannot be on the field practicing right now 6ft. apart even with spikes in numbers that I am predicting will occur. My daughter would be happy to just pass the ball the whole practice. I think we have managed to reach heard ignorance within the decision makers.
I have been watching the numbers in our area religiously and researching information to manage our risk because I am immune compromised with high dose chemo knocking out my lungs years ago and I don't want to leave my kids without a parent. Having said that, what we know today is that OC Health are a bunch of disorganized ding dongs, and it takes 15 minutes of close contact to get the disease through breathing (you can get it from surfaces which sort of doesn't make sense to me with the 15 minute contact conclusion). There is no reason our kids cannot be on the field practicing right now 6ft. apart even with spikes in numbers that I am predicting will occur. My daughter would be happy to just pass the ball the whole practice. I think we have managed to reach heard ignorance within the decision makers.
I agree with you that hospitalizations are the thing to watch now. There is some evidence that positive tests aren't correlating as much to future hospitalizations as they had been. Maybe a higher percentage of the asymptomatic people are getting tested now, but I'm hoping it's a seasonal effect like the flu. Also, transmission appears to be less likely. GA appeared to do ok opening much earlier than most experts recommended. We haven't seen a spike due to the Lake of the Ozarks event. When you combine that with the report a few weeks ago about the bulk of the new cases in NY coming from people who were sheltering in place, it indicates there may be other important variables driving the infections and the severity of the infection.
Here you go. ACLU talks about identy protection at protests being violated by new software that can read a face through masks. Protest and demonstrations have been going on for centuries. Masks have been used to hide the identy of the protester.

Chalklines, this will be my last comment on this as I like stick to soccer related things on this forum. It doesn't matter what the ACLU or someone else says about technology to identify protestors. The reason a bunch of strangers choose to wear face masks to protest during a pandemic crisis is quite logical and reasonable. We should not be judging random strangers innocent behaviors as criminal. I'd not disagree with you if the photo showed looters or acts of violence, but the photos do not depict any criminal behavior. As such, they are just strangers exercising our constitutional rights. Advocating negative conclusions without any facts is never needed.
I have been watching the numbers in our area religiously and researching information to manage our risk because I am immune compromised with high dose chemo knocking out my lungs years ago and I don't want to leave my kids without a parent. Having said that, what we know today is that OC Health are a bunch of disorganized ding dongs, and it takes 15 minutes of close contact to get the disease through breathing (you can get it from surfaces which sort of doesn't make sense to me with the 15 minute contact conclusion). There is no reason our kids cannot be on the field practicing right now 6ft. apart even with spikes in numbers that I am predicting will occur. My daughter would be happy to just pass the ball the whole practice. I think we have managed to reach heard ignorance within the decision makers.
and being outdoors with the wind blowing and the sun makes it even longer.
I have been watching the numbers in our area religiously and researching information to manage our risk because I am immune compromised with high dose chemo knocking out my lungs years ago and I don't want to leave my kids without a parent. Having said that, what we know today is that OC Health are a bunch of disorganized ding dongs, and it takes 15 minutes of close contact to get the disease through breathing (you can get it from surfaces which sort of doesn't make sense to me with the 15 minute contact conclusion). There is no reason our kids cannot be on the field practicing right now 6ft. apart even with spikes in numbers that I am predicting will occur. My daughter would be happy to just pass the ball the whole practice. I think we have managed to reach heard ignorance within the decision makers.
Agreed, and for everyone's sake in the family, my daughter needs to get out there with her team, ASAP ;-). Things are looking up as far as the virus goes. I just hope it keeps trending in a positive direction. Stay safe and healthy!
I agree with you that hospitalizations are the thing to watch now. There is some evidence that positive tests aren't correlating as much to future hospitalizations as they had been. Maybe a higher percentage of the asymptomatic people are getting tested now, but I'm hoping it's a seasonal effect like the flu. Also, transmission appears to be less likely. GA appeared to do ok opening much earlier than most experts recommended. We haven't seen a spike due to the Lake of the Ozarks event. When you combine that with the report a few weeks ago about the bulk of the new cases in NY coming from people who were sheltering in place, it indicates there may be other important variables driving the infections and the severity of the infection.
There are some things that don't make sense about GA but I stopped myself from going down that rabbit hole since I need to do analytics for my job that I actually get paid for. LOL
Yeah, the timelines are shortened too from those recommendations put out by US Soccer so that lo and behold we can get to a restricted tournament situation by August. Makes me go....hmmmmmmmmmmm.

p.s. don't really care, if it gets the kids on the soccer fields sooner have at it.
Just don't use the porta potties at Surf cup! The local merchants will be thrilled with all the players coming in to use their toilets.
So it sounds like clubs are moving forward and practices, sorry I mean “sports camps” will happen next week? Is anyone hearing different or can share what they are being told?
So it sounds like clubs are moving forward and practices, sorry I mean “sports camps” will happen next week? Is anyone hearing different or can share what they are being told?

Week after next (June 15 week) a few clubs have tentatively scheduled "camps" while others who are eager to get back soon have not yet lifted training restrictions or have Facilities booked for camps or training start dates.