
Looking in the mirror reveals too much.
The weakest but far most amusing trolling play (which I personally adore) is when the trolls (whether right or left) try to gaslight you by claiming they aren’t trolls. Like it’s not their entire reason for being here, the act behind their characters and what drives them psychologically. The only thing that surpasses it is when one troll joins another to say “what troll? Nothing to see here but us puppies. Oh you meant you troll.” It’s my ab fav and always brings a smile to my face.
Yes it's important.
Read up ya wanker...

The Origin of COVID-19 and Why It Matters

The COVID-19 pandemic is among the deadliest infectious diseases to have emerged in recent history. As with all past pandemics, the specific mechanism of its emergence in humans remains unknown. Nevertheless, a large body of virologic, epidemiologic, veterinary, and ecologic data establishes that the new virus, SARS-CoV-2, evolved directly or indirectly from a β-coronavirus in the sarbecovirus (SARS-like virus) group that naturally infect bats and pangolins in Asia and Southeast Asia. Scientists have warned for decades that such sarbecoviruses are poised to emerge again and again, identified risk factors, and argued for enhanced pandemic prevention and control efforts. Unfortunately, few such preventive actions were taken resulting in the latest coronavirus emergence detected in late 2019 which quickly spread pandemically. The risk of similar coronavirus outbreaks in the future remains high. In addition to controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, we must undertake vigorous scientific, public health, and societal actions, including significantly increased funding for basic and applied research addressing disease emergence, to prevent this tragic history from repeating itself.

In 2007, scientists studying coronaviruses warned: “The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV–like viruses in horseshoe bats… is a time bomb. The possibility of the re-emergence of SARS and other novel viruses… should not be ignored.”1

Few paid attention following the disappearance of SARS after the initial outbreak in 2002. Now, 18 years later, COVID-19 has emerged as the deadliest respiratory disease pandemic since 1918, when the “Spanish” influenza pandemic killed an estimated 50 million people.2 We need to understand what happened so that we can prevent it from happening again, and be better prepared to contain similar pandemics at their outsets.

The agent of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, was named after the genetically related SARS-CoV (more recently distinguished by some as SARS-CoV-1), which caused a deadly near-pandemic in 2002–2003.3 Before 2019, neither SARS-CoV-2 nor its genetic sequences had ever been identified in viruses of humans or animals.

Even so, scientific research conducted over the last two decades provides clues about how and why the COVID-19 pandemic appeared. We must understand these critically important scientific findings, described in the following text, so that we can better address significant existential risks we will continue to face for the foreseeable future.

Viruses are compact nucleic acid packages of either DNA or (in the case of coronaviruses) RNA associated with proteins, and in some cases with lipids. Viruses are not living organisms and can only reproduce inside living cells susceptible to viral entry and with the capacity to replicate viral nucleic acids and translate nucleic acid signals into amino acids to build viral proteins. Viruses are therefore nonliving self-contained genetic programs capable of redirecting a cell’s machinery to produce more of themselves.

It follows that when a virus enters a human cell for the first time, it has very recently been transmitted from cells of some other host, that is, from another animal or, for example, an insect vector. Emergence of a pathogen between a vertebrate or an insect has been referred to as host-switching, sometimes described as a spillover event. Most of the human viral and nonviral infectious diseases that have existed for centuries—measles, influenza, cholera, smallpox (eradicated in 1980), falciparum malaria,4 dengue, HIV, and many others—originated by animal-to-human host-switching.5 The complex genetic events that underlie host-switching differ greatly from pathogen to pathogen, but general mechanisms have been recognized for many.69

Host-switching determinants prominently include social, environmental, and biological factors providing the opportunity for host–species interaction; shared host cell receptors; genetic distance between transmitting and receiving hosts; and characteristics and complexity of the viral quasi-species or viral swarm. (RNA viruses in particular are not transmitted to multiple cells as identical virions, but as collections of thousands of different genetically related virions. The ever-changing complexity of the viral swarm varies among species, genetically distinct but related individuals of the same species, and in single hosts over time.)

Studying animal viruses that have previously spilled over into humans provides clues about host-switching determinants. A well-understood example is influenza virus emergence into humans and other mammals.2 Human pandemic and seasonal influenza viruses arise from enzootic viruses of wild waterfowl and shore birds. From within this natural reservoir, the 1918 pandemic “founder” virus somehow host-switched into humans. We know this from genetic studies comparing avian viruses, the 1918 virus, and its descendants, which have caused three subsequent pandemics, as well as annual seasonal influenza in each of the 102 years since 1918. Similarly, other avian influenza viruses have host-switched into horses, dogs, pigs, seals, and other vertebrates, with as yet unknown pandemic potential.2,10,11 Although some molecular host-switching events remain unobserved, phylogenetic analyses of influenza viruses allow us to readily characterize evolution and host-switching as it occurs in nature.2

Until recently, relatively little was known about coronaviruses, and research interest in these common cold viruses was minimal. Eighteen years ago, a previously unknown β-coronavirus named SARS-CoV suddenly emerged. Following its initial appearance in China it spread to 29 other countries, causing a near-pandemic and killing 813 of the 8,809 people with confirmed infection before being controlled by aggressive public health measures. It has not been seen since. In 2012, however, another previously unknown β-coronavirus named Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and closely related to SARS-CoV, emerged to cause high case-fatality human infections. Fortunately, this virus does not efficiently transmit between humans, and cases have been largely limited to the Middle East where its intermediary host, the dromedary camel, is present in relatively high numbers. In 2016, yet another novel bat-origin coronavirus, an α-coronavirus, emerged in China to cause a novel epizootic disease in pigs, termed swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV). And most recently, at least as early as late November 2019, SARS-CoV-2 was recognized and became the third fatal bat virus–associated human disease emergence and the fourth bat virus–associated mammalian emergence in 18 years. ...

... Understanding how COVID-19 emerged is of great importance. We now know that the viruses causing SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are all members of enormous groups of bat coronaviruses distributed globally, and that many of these viruses are functionally preadapted to human emergence. This preadaptation can be thought of as “accidental” because it must have occurred in nature in the absence of human infection and does not rule out further human adaptation to enable pandemicity. Molecular mechanisms of preadaptation are not fully known, but are undoubtedly related to functional similarities between ACE2 receptors on the cells of numerous mammals (bats, humans, minks, cats, and other domestic and wild animals).33,34

entire article:
Either explanation is bad. If it was the wet market we’ve known for years now that it represents a significant vulnerability and it means There should be a concerted effort by public health to shut down the wet markets (which the west has largely abandoned) and force Asia to shift to a supermarket or even butcher shop model of meat distribution. If it was the lab it means rethinking the gain of function research which is dangerous even if didn’t cause the current pandemic and the use and security of lower level labs. But we’ve sort of settled on well China won’t cooperate and we don’t know what happened so we aren’t really justified in doing anything (which is what the Chinese want) where our attitude should be: “fine…we don’t know…fix them both”. You would think after all the death, economic cost, learning loss and psychological damage it would be the one thing everyone outside of China would agree on.
The weakest but far most amusing trolling play (which I personally adore) is when the trolls (whether right or left) try to gaslight you by claiming they aren’t trolls. Like it’s not their entire reason for being here, the act behind their characters and what drives them psychologically. The only thing that surpasses it is when one troll joins another to say “what troll? Nothing to see here but us puppies. Oh you meant you troll.” It’s my ab fav and always brings a smile to my face.
I looked in the mirror and I loved what I saw. Hi, my name is Troll :)
The weakest but far most amusing trolling play (which I personally adore) is when the trolls (whether right or left) try to gaslight you by claiming they aren’t trolls. Like it’s not their entire reason for being here, the act behind their characters and what drives them psychologically. The only thing that surpasses it is when one troll joins another to say “what troll? Nothing to see here but us puppies. Oh you meant you troll.” It’s my ab fav and always brings a smile to my face.
As I have said multiple times we are, almost, all trolls, there are only a couple exceptions. I mean really who gives a shit?
As I have said multiple times we are, almost, all trolls, there are only a couple exceptions. I mean really who gives a shit?
Nah. Psychological motivations of people interest me. You are here because of trolling. There are a handful of ultimate motivations for why trolls troll. Dad4 and I are what you call crusaders. Folks like evil goalie and crush are mavericks. Who gives a shit? Well I do. It interests me. Clearly you do too or you wouldn’t do what you do (either that or you are a complete psychopath and while some trolls are, most are in it for either amusement or a sense of power). The folks who were concerned and looking for info or were in mental breakdowns are long gone and could give an f about this topic or sub forum. You could also say who gives a shit about youth soccer!

This is not the first time that Grace has attempted to defend a weak position by claiming that I am a troll (thus weakening her position even more, in my eyes).

Again it’s a question of motivation. You amuse me. That’s mine. I suspect your trolling amuses you….which is why you do you. The fact that you think I would care about weakening my position in your eyes and use it as some kind of slur is funny…which again takes us back full circle: “ make me laugh again clown….please”
Nah. Psychological motivations of people interest me. You are here because of trolling. There are a handful of ultimate motivations for why trolls troll. Dad4 and I are what you call crusaders. Folks like evil goalie and crush are mavericks. Who gives a shit? Well I do. It interests me. Clearly you do too or you wouldn’t do what you do (either that or you are a complete psychopath and while some trolls are, most are in it for either amusement or a sense of power). The folks who were concerned and looking for info or were in mental breakdowns are long gone and could give an f about this topic or sub forum. You could also say who gives a shit about youth soccer!

Again it’s a question of motivation. You amuse me. That’s mine. I suspect your trolling amuses you….which is why you do you. The fact that you think I would care about weakening my position in your eyes and use it as some kind of slur is funny…which again takes us back full circle: “ make me laugh again clown….please”
What makes someone a maverick?
Mavericks are visionaries who want to achieve what's never been achieved before. They're not fans of the status quo and will shake things up. Mavericks tend to be innovative, influential, daring, and direct—with a remarkably high tolerance for taking chances.

I like Maverick for Crush Grace T and that is the best compliment I ever got on here. I got a little emotional inside my heart. Thank you for seeing me and me. Yes, were ALL dealing with a few psychopaths at the SoCal Soccer Forum & Youth Soccer. Not only did they get they get their hands on the soccer cookie jar, they stole the jar and made $$$ off the rich parents who will pay whatever it takes to play with best of the best. Congrats to Evil Goalie as well :)
Nah. Psychological motivations of people interest me. You are here because of trolling. There are a handful of ultimate motivations for why trolls troll. Dad4 and I are what you call crusaders. Folks like evil goalie and crush are mavericks. Who gives a shit? Well I do. It interests me. Clearly you do too or you wouldn’t do what you do (either that or you are a complete psychopath and while some trolls are, most are in it for either amusement or a sense of power). The folks who were concerned and looking for info or were in mental breakdowns are long gone and could give an f about this topic or sub forum. You could also say who gives a shit about youth soccer!

Again it’s a question of motivation. You amuse me. That’s mine. I suspect your trolling amuses you….which is why you do you. The fact that you think I would care about weakening my position in your eyes and use it as some kind of slur is funny…which again takes us back full circle: “ make me laugh again clown….please”
You're rationalizing.
Look at them ALL with their mask uniform. Wow!! Poor San Fran. What a mess. My mother used to take us up to Fisherman's Warf and we had so many fun places to hang out.

Nah. Psychological motivations of people interest me. You are here because of trolling. There are a handful of ultimate motivations for why trolls troll. Dad4 and I are what you call crusaders. Folks like evil goalie and crush are mavericks. Who gives a shit? Well I do. It interests me. Clearly you do too or you wouldn’t do what you do (either that or you are a complete psychopath and while some trolls are, most are in it for either amusement or a sense of power). The folks who were concerned and looking for info or were in mental breakdowns are long gone and could give an f about this topic or sub forum. You could also say who gives a shit about youth soccer!

Again it’s a question of motivation. You amuse me. That’s mine. I suspect your trolling amuses you….which is why you do you. The fact that you think I would care about weakening my position in your eyes and use it as some kind of slur is funny…which again takes us back full circle: “ make me laugh again clown….please”
You misunderstood my who gives a shit in a typical ego-driven fashion. That kind of response is predictable and boring. “Let’s get back to me shall we!”