Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

The first step is you admit it, well done.

I admit you democrats should confess voting for JoeTato was a stupid decision. Still waiting for you and the rest of the libtard crew to let us know what Briben has done besides finance his entire family's retirement with treasonous payouts from other countries.

P.S. - Your deflection game, CisKER, is right on par with your alter ego.
Children's hospital director claims 'infinite' genders, trans kids can identify as 'Tootsie Roll pops'
The feminist director of the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital claimed 'Tootsie Roll' transgender kids are part of the 'New Gender Wars'. She also claims you can be a boy in the summer and girl in the winter.

God Help Us!!!

Children's hospital director claims 'infinite' genders, trans kids can identify as 'Tootsie Roll pops'
The feminist director of the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital claimed 'Tootsie Roll' transgender kids are part of the 'New Gender Wars'. She also claims you can be a boy in the summer and girl in the winter.

God Help Us!!!

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I think "Tootsie Rolls" is a great name for these fruit loops.
Meet Ash, The Transitioning Athlete.

Ash, a transitioning person from male to female, had been given clearance to participate in the women’s rugby league.

Several Players Were Injured
During the game, three female players had to be removed and treated for injuries from hits by Ash.

Ash’s Tackles Were Too Powerful
The impact and force of Ash’s tackles were described as exceptionally powerful, surpassing anything they had encountered in competitive women’s rugby.

Players Were Concerned
One female player described her experience of being tackled by Ash as “a whole other thing playing rugby against men.”
Meet Tracy, a Trans Widow. Interesting read if anyone has time to read.

I told you all about my buddy Mike. His wife thought he was having an unfair, affair on the road when he was out on sales calls for his company. She found some purchases at Victoria has a Secret on CC and she lost her sh*t. It was painful time for her and I witnessed it. My wife helped her not judge and maybe do a little more digging because Michael said he was buying lingerie at VS for himself. My wife believed him and I was with Mike's wife, I thought he was lying. Well, after a full investigation, Mike was telling the truth. He loved to dress up like a woman.
Teens who underwent de-transitioning after transgender surgery claims, “I feel mutilated and like an experiment gone wrong." Leave the minors alone adults.


Bell wrote, “As I matured, I recognized that gender dysphoria was a symptom of my overall misery, not its cause.” Due to hormonal treatment with testosterone, she felt unable to cry, so she shared, “One of the first signs that I was becoming Keira again was that—thankfully, at last—I was able to cry. And I had a lot to cry about.”
Hospital Diversity Training Video Includes Idea That 3-Year-Olds Can Know They’re Transgender

Son (3 years old): Hey dad, I know you said I was a boy, but I'm not. I a girl daddy

Dad: Are you sure Sam

Son: Yes daddy, I've been feeling this way for a while now and I'm now 100% convinced that I am a girl

Dad: Ok, let's go down to one of the Big U's in North Carolina and let's start the transitioning process.

Son: No need to go pops, I know what I am, and I know what I want.

Dad: Easy Tiger, let's at least talk to a Doc.

Son: Ok

One month later after first visit

Dad: Samantha, time for breakfast

Samantha: I love you Pops.