The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Do you wake up stupider every day?
“Violent French Revolutions.” “I don’t invest in the stock market, because it’s crooked.” “Search engines squelching content of flyovers.”
People like you actually exist outside of the appalachians?
Why dont you invest in the stock market?
What's the annual tax bite on that 3 mil. home?
My new house has a property tax bill of probably around $40K.
I couldn’t take the over-55 exemption and bring my 1987 tax basis with me from the one I just sold, because that exemption only applies to downsizing and I foolishly upsized.
nutters . . .

There are a lot of strange and violent quirks associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory. From the very concept of a secret government insider leaking information via the worst place on the internet to the arcane decodings of typos in Trump tweets to the inherent sadness of putting so much faith in a movement that has returned so little, QAnon seems designed to make outsiders shake their heads sadly.

And of all the bizarre elements that make up QAnon, nothing makes outsiders shake their heads sadly more than the movement’s unending obsession with John F. Kennedy, Jr.

But for QAnon, the theory that a government insider is secretly posting online and attempting to bring down the deep state, nothing is off-limits.

The oldest son of President Kennedy had a checkered career as he moved into adulthood, first dabbling in acting, then law, then publishing. He, his wife Caroline, and her sister Lauren all died in a plane crash on July 16, 1999, when he became disoriented flying over water at night and plunged into the Atlantic Ocean. Their bodies were recovered, and the final minutes of the flight reconstructed down to the second.

Except… many believers in QAnon don’t think JFK Jr. died that warm night in July at all, but instead faked his death, and went underground to protect himself from a plot by Hillary Clinton to kill him and secure a U.S. Senate seat. And he’s spent the last 20 years preparing for the day when Donald Trump would unveil the son of their beloved JFK as his new vice president.