Let Them Play CA

You don’t care about the homeless? They don’t matter so just let them die? You don’t care about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights? We can just ignore them if it means little Kaitlyn can play kiddie sports sooner?
I didn't state anyone of those words or thoughts. Thanks for fabricating though, you're good at it.
Based on early outbreaks, prisoners and prison guards should be early, for the same reason that meat packing plant workers should be early. Certain places breed covid, and they should be a high priority.

EOTL, pour yourself a nice cup of chamomile tea, and give up on the attempts at sarcasm. It is neither funny nor persuasive.
Nice try with the snark, but it is very clear that you’re the one who doesn’t care about them. I know that because your buddies and now you have made it clear that you are perfectly happy with all of them dying of Covid, while he quite clearly is making efforts to get that high risk population vaccinated.
Yep, that's what I said. What "buddy" are you talking about? But, I guess if you think about it, Darwinism does have it's upsides from time to time. You would support that in the context of trumpanzees right?

Clearly I said there needs to be a plan. Not just sound bites from groups that are jockeying for political position, influencing burokrats to do their bidding. At some point planning and execution needs to occur, not just windbag politiks. Governments in general have already set the expectation so low. Complete dosage vaccination of any high risk group would be a win. But the bar is very low. Maybe between Chick Fil A and Amazon, we could get something done. We have to start somewhere.
Yep, that's what I said. What "buddy" are you talking about? But, I guess if you think about it, Darwinism does have it's upsides from time to time. You would support that in the context of trumpanzees right?

Clearly I said there needs to be a plan. Not just sound bites from groups that are jockeying for political position, influencing burokrats to do their bidding. At some point planning and execution needs to occur, not just windbag politiks. Governments in general have already set the expectation so low. Complete dosage vaccination of any high risk group would be a win. But the bar is very low. Maybe between Chick Fil A and Amazon, we could get something done. We have to start somewhere.
If Chick Fil A was running the vaccine program we'd be done by now, or close to done...ya know Sundays and all.
San Quentin was no joke....lots of innocent folks were impacted there. Not saying I agree with this prioritization, just pointing out it's not just criminals that are relieved here.
Agree- but my answer is going to be that the state needs to figure out how to vaccinate them in parallel. If we're so concerned with optics, (which is what a lot of all this really is,) it looks awful to prioritize prisons over general population.
Agree- but my answer is going to be that the state needs to figure out how to vaccinate them in parallel. If we're so concerned with optics, (which is what a lot of all this really is,) it looks awful to prioritize prisons over general population.

Complying with the Constitution and Bill of Rights is a wee bit more important than magat optics.
Complying with the Constitution and Bill of Rights is a wee bit more important than magat optics.
Is this opposite day? your trumpy deity is not in office anymore...the new dog and pony show is in town, it's their optics now. I think you need more organic tea.
If Chick Fil A was running the vaccine program we'd be done by now, or close to done...ya know Sundays and all.
you have to admire the efficiency of their operations and in the manner in which they deliver their service. Pair them with In n Out to cover Sundays and we'd be done in no time. Leave it to little Bezos to solve the supply chain issues..
Based on early outbreaks, prisoners and prison guards should be early, for the same reason that meat packing plant workers should be early. Certain places breed covid, and they should be a high priority.

EOTL, pour yourself a nice cup of chamomile tea, and give up on the attempts at sarcasm. It is neither funny nor persuasive.

After health care workers there are 3 ways to do it: by most vulnerable (e.g. aged, those with conditions), by those that spread it the most (in which case college kids are up first too and anyone not in a tight lockdown) or by most meritorious. The first is relatively easy to police (everyone has ID, or if they don't it's hard for a 30 year old to pass as 75 and you can adjust by tier if you have surplus vaccine). The first also is relatively easy to organize, to get out info and will knock the death rate down for everyone given how vulnerable the aged are. The second can't fly because it will cause people who were careful (like my inlaws) to complain why are they being punished if they've been locked in the house for a year and you are vaccinating the worst behaved, least vulnerable people out there like college students. The third has the problem that every group will lobby they are meritorious: racial groups, professions (teachers v. police officers v. correctional officers v. essential workers), the rich and powerful. The third also has the problem that once you are passed confined spaces like correctional facilities and nursing home workers, it get's really hard to verify their employment status and to get the word out that x is eligible on such date, but not why....we've seen in this in the f'ed up reservation system in VC already.
Agree- but my answer is going to be that the state needs to figure out how to vaccinate them in parallel. If we're so concerned with optics, (which is what a lot of all this really is,) it looks awful to prioritize prisons over general population.
I think it is awful to prioritize. Our government can barely plan delivery of the vaccine to high risk populations in a linear fashion. Now other populations jump on board? It's ludicrous. Parallel planning and execution is not in the wheel house of our governments.
I think it is awful to prioritize. Our government can barely plan delivery of the vaccine to high risk populations in a linear fashion. Now other populations jump on board? It's ludicrous. Parallel planning and execution is not in the wheel house of our governments.

Yup this is the problem if you try to do it all 3 ways of distributing. There's not enough and you are guaranteed to f it up. VC is having a hard enough time doing the very broad definition of medical worker (which is not just people working front line ERS but doctors and dentists with private practices), and 75+ right now. The were originally going to do 65+ but that load of demand just caused their servers to crash so they had to break up this phase into further sub tiers.
I think it is awful to prioritize. Our government can barely plan delivery of the vaccine to high risk populations in a linear fashion. Now other populations jump on board? It's ludicrous. Parallel planning and execution is not in the wheel house of our governments.

You are correct. It should be a total free for all. Definitely better to let rich people get vaccinated first.
Yup this is the problem if you try to do it all 3 ways of distributing. There's not enough and you are guaranteed to f it up. VC is having a hard enough time doing the very broad definition of medical worker (which is not just people working front line ERS but doctors and dentists with private practices), and 75+ right now. The were originally going to do 65+ but that load of demand just caused their servers to crash so they had to break up this phase into further sub tiers.
Age and zip codes of highest transmission?
You are correct. It should be a total free for all. Definitely better to let rich people get vaccinated first.
You crack me up - don't you see how little sense you make? Have you ever heard the song by Adam Sandler ->> "They're all gonna laugh at you"

Your choice though, to be a slave to the burokrat...maybe slave is a little bit strong for a social justice warrior like yourself. Enforced dependency on government.