Let the Principals & Teachers Decide

Don't play dumb. Education unions overwhelmingly support Dem politicians. As a matter of fact they are some of the biggest donors around.

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Your disdain for teachers and teacher's unions clouds your objectivity. I haven't heard you or Grace once say you are for reasonable protections for teachers. Why you can't you do that?
Your disdain for teachers and teacher's unions clouds your objectivity. I haven't heard you or Grace once say you are for reasonable protections for teachers. Why you can't you do that?
Lets backtrack a comment or two.

You just said fake news and my post was referencing the Nov ballot.

I just provided the screenshot and the link that shows what the union is proposing NOW.

Any comments about their demands?

Or are you simply unaware of what your union is demanding on behalf of you?
This is from DC...but this is politics as it relates the virus. The mayor extended the face mask requirement....but exempted many local and fed gov workers. Why? Are they more important? Less susceptible?

This is a variation of what is going on in the schools. The gov is trying to exempt their big money donor (the education union) from actually having to go into work. They are different. More special somehow I guess. And yes they will expect to be paid while hiding in their basement at home as well.

“The enforcement provisions of this Order shall not be applied to persons in the judicial or legislative branches of the District government while those persons are on duty; and shall not apply to any employees of the federal government while they are on duty,”

https://mayor.dc.gov/sites/default/...80 Wearing Masks in DC to Prevent COVID19.pdf

DC is a special case -- the city government has limited jurisdiction over federal workers.
Um...I believe it was @watfly that pointed out it was recent.

Here is the link to what I referenced. It is from JULY. Nothing to do with a November ballot.

And here is a screenshot from the first page. I am not sure why you have continuing trouble with this. It has been explained to you numerous times already.

Please tell me you are not a teacher. You seem to have trouble with basic concepts. Dates being one of them. Reading what the union proposes being another.


PS: how was the arrow skills on this one @watfly?

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Brother you're not in my league. I challenge everyone on this thread to go to page 10 and read the section that's headlined STATE SUPPORT. All those demands are for the November 2020 Ballot. Please read it. Yes, this paper was published July 2020, but you're ignorant ass doesn't even read what he posts. And if you read pages 2-10 you will see that's it's all about health and safety!

DON'T FORGET TO READ IT BIG BOY. Then let's see how much courage you have to come on here and say you were wrong.

And did you not read today's article from the LAUSD Superintendent or will you just burry you're head in the sand.

I win again!
Reading comprehension. Relevant phrase is NOW. In Sweden with no lockdowns and masks, the virus is practically gone. In France and Spain with the toughtest lockdowns in the western world, 2nd wave.

The chart I presented includes NOW. NOW they re back to about where they were in mid-March, roughly 1900 new cases a week. Or did you have some personal meaning of "practically gone"?

France and Spain are suffering a second wave after people started mingling again when the restrictions were eased about a month ago.
PS: how was the arrow skills on this one @watfly?
Honestly, not your best effort. :D

Just a matter of note, less than two days after the LATU published its paper, the LAUSD and the SDUSD jointly issued a press release saying that fall would be online only. Newsom followed a couple days later. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the timing is curious.

The union is the primary supporter and funder of Prop 15 on the November ballot. This would eliminate Prop 13 protections for commercial properties which means the assessed value for these properties would be changed to current market value. This means property taxes for these properties would sky rocket. This dis-proportionally impacts small business, particularly those on NNN leases or family businesses that have owned their property for many years. The economic impact to California is unfathomable.
By the way...why is Cal still going up? I thought you guys had stricter rules in place vs AZ?

Lockdowns work right?

Clearly in NM they are not as cases continue to rise.

Here is CA

Compliance in CA is kind of hit and miss. Some dial in to work and only go out for grocery runs once a week. Others run to Starbucks twice a day with their mask on their chin.

Not an expert on NM, but their rise seems a lot smaller than yours. They may have compliance problems, too.
The chart I presented includes NOW. NOW they re back to about where they were in mid-March, roughly 1900 new cases a week. Or did you have some personal meaning of "practically gone"?

France and Spain are suffering a second wave after people started mingling again when the restrictions were eased about a month ago.

Thanks for the assist again. You've basically made my point. Either we accept a perpetual lockdown or we acknowledge that there's not much we can do to control the Rona beyond some basic measures. Blue pill or red pill.
Your disdain for teachers and teacher's unions clouds your objectivity. I haven't heard you or Grace once say you are for reasonable protections for teachers. Why you can't you do that?
Just a fan, that's not true imo. Hound has made some comments in hast as i have at times. We all just want some of the healthy teachers to teach in class with the healthy students as some of the healthy air con guys are working as well as the healthy nurse and healthy grocery store. I only see Gavin and Union saying no in class teaching. No local decisions for schools is odd. My friend is a middle school Principle with principles of virtue that he enforces at his school. He has a plan and it's a perfect plan but he can't make a local decision. All these mayors get mad at t for trying to help yet Gavin is forcing us all to go with his and the unions plan of no school. Each city and school is not the same. This is whacko bird stuff and a lot of us had some whacko, coo coo bird crap hit us all int face and folks are now waking up :)
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Still waiting for a good explanation why the 49 other states have it wrong and California has it right re the State knowing better than individual school districts/counties/schools re control and decision-making for their local students.
Brother you're not in my league. I challenge everyone on this thread to go to page 10 and read the section that's headlined STATE SUPPORT. All those demands are for the November 2020 Ballot. Please read it. Yes, this paper was published July 2020, but you're ignorant ass doesn't even read what he posts. And if you read pages 2-10 you will see that's it's all about health and safety!

DON'T FORGET TO READ IT BIG BOY. Then let's see how much courage you have to come on here and say you were wrong.

And did you not read today's article from the LAUSD Superintendent or will you just burry you're head in the sand.

I win again!
I started off with the title of the document. It states: The Same Storm, But Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Conditions For Starting LAUSD in 2020-2021.

Everything in that document relates to what they want in order to re-open the schools. The first clue is the title of the document FYI.

Lets take a couple of examples you say were in the Nov ballot that were not.

Defund the police? I think not. That just came about.
Defund charter schools? The document specifically references the covid crisis as it relates to their demands in the documents. As I think back to Nov...there was no talk about covid.
Medicare for all? They specifically reference covid again. Covid wasn't around in Nov.

Etc. I did go through it...ie read it. Apparently if you did, your comprehension is a bit low.

If I were grading you I would give you an F.

You don't even get a participation trophy.
Compliance in CA is kind of hit and miss. Some dial in to work and only go out for grocery runs once a week. Others run to Starbucks twice a day with their mask on their chin.

Not an expert on NM, but their rise seems a lot smaller than yours. They may have compliance problems, too.
In a sense you make my point.

Both NM and CA have stricter guidelines in place vs AZ. They did at the start, they did in the middle...and they do currently.

And yet their rate is still increasing. AZ after an increase is declining.

I posted that photo the other day to point out we are still out and about. As a matter of fact a lot of places are rather full. They closed bars, but if a bar serves food they can be open. Doesn't make sense by the way. Gyms are closed. And nightclubs. And for some reason the gov in his wisdom shut down tubing on the river (not sure why that one got tossed in). Movie theaters as well.

And that is about the complete list. Sucks to be working or owning one of those biz. But either way the VAST majority of all biz in AZ is open.

Cases rose and now are declining again. Deaths did not correspond even closely to the rise.

The lockdown states seem to just be prolonging the pain and doing nothing really to stop the rise in positives. Those continue it seems.
Honestly, not your best effort. :D

Just a matter of note, less than two days after the LATU published its paper, the LAUSD and the SDUSD jointly issued a press release saying that fall would be online only. Newsom followed a couple days later. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the timing is curious.

The union is the primary supporter and funder of Prop 15 on the November ballot. This would eliminate Prop 13 protections for commercial properties which means the assessed value for these properties would be changed to current market value. This means property taxes for these properties would sky rocket. This dis-proportionally impacts small business, particularly those on NNN leases or family businesses that have owned their property for many years. The economic impact to California is unfathomable.

Small businesses and agricultural land are exempt from Prop 15.

Full info here --

Thanks for the assist again. You've basically made my point. Either we accept a perpetual lockdown or we acknowledge that there's not much we can do to control the Rona beyond some basic measures. Blue pill or red pill.

You keep saying I am supporting you when I am clearly not. The facts I have shown rebut your claims.

It must be interesting having a face to face conversation with you. Do you always talk like a lawyer with a position to defend regardless of the evidence?
I started off with the title of the document. It states: The Same Storm, But Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Conditions For Starting LAUSD in 2020-2021.

Everything in that document relates to what they want in order to re-open the schools. The first clue is the title of the document FYI.

Lets take a couple of examples you say were in the Nov ballot that were not.

Defund the police? I think not. That just came about.
Defund charter schools? The document specifically references the covid crisis as it relates to their demands in the documents. As I think back to Nov...there was no talk about covid.
Medicare for all? They specifically reference covid again. Covid wasn't around in Nov.

Etc. I did go through it...ie read it. Apparently if you did, your comprehension is a bit low.

If I were grading you I would give you an F.

You don't even get a participation trophy.

Fake news again. Yes that's the title, but you have to read the whole thing my man. So you were wrong when you listed the $$$ demands that were part of the November 2020 ballot. That's 2020 not 2019. And yes, you're right the Local Support Section is on page 11 and not part of the November 2020 ballot initiative.

However, if you're being intellectually honest, which you have a hard time doing, you will see that it is only half a page and at the very very end of the article. Also, other than the title, nowhere does the article say you must meet THESE particular demands or else. In fact 95% of the article is dedicated to health and safety, and safety measures that should be put in place. Same thing I've been saying and the same thing the LAUSD Superintendent put out today.

You harp when people nitpick Trump. I've always been about substance my friend. You trying to make these alleged demands appear as if they are the primary demands of teachers is intellectually dishonest. It's like contract negotiations and a player asking for green M&M's on the plane. You are arguing the green M&M's brother.
Small businesses and agricultural land are exempt from Prop 15.

Full info here --

It says agriculture exempt.

Reading the wording on small biz, they are mainly kicking the can down the road to 2025 on those biz properties.

More importantly it states if passed then the legislature shall create a task force to determine the actual taxes and statutes.

Basically it is a tax grab.
You keep saying I am supporting you when I am clearly not. The facts I have shown rebut your claims.

It must be interesting having a face to face conversation with you. Do you always talk like a lawyer with a position to defend regardless of the evidence?

Do you always see the evidence in front of your eyes, even mouth the words, but fail to comprehend it? That blue pill is some pretty powerful stuff.