Bad News Thread

Asia did mask up for SARS-1. And the masks did help. WHO was slow back then, too.

You’ve just forgotten.


On landing, therefore, it was rather a surprise to find all staff in Bangkok airport wearing surgical masks, including customs officials, cleaners, and police. Many passengers were shocked and began to worry, as there had been no information given on the incoming flight. The masks being used were quite basic and not of the specification recommended by the WHO for use when caring for a SARS patient.7

There was no reported transmission of SARS in Thailand at this point, although there had been seven cases and two deaths associated with travel from infected areas. We asked a policeman about the masks and were told that the Health Ministry had ordered use of surgical masks in the airport.

I forgot they were PCR testing too.
And here we see the head of AFT union saying that the CDC used basically their words on school closures.

So not science based, just based on politics. Just like Fauci above, etc.

"HUGE: AFT’s @rweingarten tells CSPAN the Biden Admin “asked for language” they could use in the CDC’s guidance on school re-openings (which was used "nearly verbatim"). "They asked us for language and we gave them language when they asked for it."

So the CDC was asking the AFT to provide a narrative for the CDC to adopt to keep the schools shutdown.
Vietnam has spiked too. Whatever was holding the virus back in Asia isn't doing as good of a job anymore against the India variant....numbers are higher than this as Vietnam engages in some of the same shell game China does with testing.
Not bad for 96 million people.
Q the Deer, Q the deer.......

This is a classic Chevy Chase movie. Please, watch tonight. Long story short is they moved out to Redbud to get away from City life. Anyway, it sucked and they were about to get a divorce. They had to sell their dream house and this is how they were going to trick the new peeps to buy the house.

BTW, UFOs are for reals and are coming next....

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"Neither paper addressed the accuracy of pediatric mortality rates attributed to COVID-19, nor that of adult patients categorized as COVID-19 hospitalizations. But, Gandhi and Baral both noted, these findings clearly illustrate the need to perform similar retrospective chart reviews for COVID-19-coded adult hospitalizations and overall mortality."

Explaining why the official tallies were found to be so far off, Baral said the electronic databases that hospitals use are administrative in purpose, meant for billing, resource management, et cetera. “They were not designed to infer the prevalence and severity of an infectious virus.” We have a desire for instant, accurate data, he said, but validation takes time.

And all tyranny needs is time.
Disturbing. The data is one thing, now someone needs to find out the how's and why's of this happening. It's not unreasonable to believe that a similar thing happened with adults.
Well we already know it has happened with adults.

Dr Birx commented a long time ago that they thought the numbers could be off by as much as 25%

There is at least one state health commissioner that is on tape (TV conference) stating that a good percentage of deaths were being attributed to COVID which were not as a result of the virus.

Getting these numbers is going to be difficult.

The various levels of government have an incentive to keep incorrect numbers hidden away.
Well we already know it has happened with adults.

Dr Birx commented a long time ago that they thought the numbers could be off by as much as 25%

There is at least one state health commissioner that is on tape (TV conference) stating that a good percentage of deaths were being attributed to COVID which were not as a result of the virus.

Getting these numbers is going to be difficult.

The various levels of government have an incentive to keep incorrect numbers hidden away.
CDC always reports 2 years behind. Doesn't mean they don't have it. It just means that their validation methods are slow. Where are the WMD's
Well we already know it has happened with adults.

Dr Birx commented a long time ago that they thought the numbers could be off by as much as 25%

There is at least one state health commissioner that is on tape (TV conference) stating that a good percentage of deaths were being attributed to COVID which were not as a result of the virus.

Getting these numbers is going to be difficult.

The various levels of government have an incentive to keep incorrect numbers hidden away.
I wonder what the reporting form the hospitals used said? I suspect it said something to the effect of how many of your patients tested positive for Covid? That shouldn't be hard to figure out...or maybe I'm just being naïve.
I wonder what the reporting form the hospitals used said? I suspect it said something to the effect of how many of your patients tested positive for Covid? That shouldn't be hard to figure out...or maybe I'm just being naïve.
Starts with the use of PCR testing. Wrong test for determining presence of Corona. Right test for finding corona genetic sequences. Wrong test for determining how long those sequences have been in your boogers.