President Joe Biden

Kind of a short list when you think about it. There are a lot of politicians big city mayor and above.

If only 20 or so got caught, then more are following the rules than I would have thought possible.

The good news is that cases are down. California's daily case load is about half what it was 2 or 3 weeks ago. It needs to be cut in half four more times for us all to hit orange. 8 to 12 weeks.

That is, 8 to 12 weeks unless we are all morons and start having dinner parties. Add some extra time if we all throw out our masks and visit friends indoors again.
This list isn’t comprehensive. For example San Jose and San Francisco mayors or the reps and senators (like Feinstein in the airport or the rep which flew despite being covid exposed for Pelosi as speaker). I’m frankly surprised you aren’t more outraged by the list which includes the president, speaker, governors of 4 major states and mayors of the largest cities and those are only the ones caught. If they can’t follow their own rules what hope for the rest of us. You expect everyone else to act like an angel when those that know better can’t.
I mean, isn't "tranny" in and of itself not the best verbiage to use? And I believe it was you who was calling the individual "it", and mocking her looks- no? If I'm incorrect I'll own up to it. Honestly, I didn't intend on beating this dead horse, I just got bat signaled to this damn thread!

Well, I was originally mocking the token appointment to the job. I can’t be blamed for ugly men making ugly women, Glitter. I feel you judged me a bit harshly there.

What do you call more than one tranny? Is like “deer”? Maybe “trani”? Seems like “tranny” shouldn’t be offensive if “transsexual” is the woke term. I sometimes use “it” just in case “he or she” is offensive. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which direction the tranny is transitioning to, you know? You swimming upstream or downstream? What stage of “transition” are you in? You tucking or already nipped?

Pronouns are no longer a laughing matter. Certainly not as funny as that ugly man in lipstick and a wig that got promoted because Biden promised it in return for votes.
This list isn’t comprehensive. For example San Jose and San Francisco mayors or the reps and senators (like Feinstein in the airport or the rep which flew despite being covid exposed for Pelosi as speaker). I’m frankly surprised you aren’t more outraged by the list which includes the president, speaker, governors of 4 major states and mayors of the largest cities and those are only the ones caught. If they can’t follow their own rules what hope for the rest of us. You expect everyone else to act like an angel when those that know better can’t.
I don't expect everyone to be angels.

I expect everyone to try to follow the rules, knowing that most people will slip up occasionally.

If someone had one dinner party in 6 months, that is small. It is a similar scale error to French Laundry, and not all that important.

But, if someone has friends over indoors every week, they are clearly not even trying to follow the rules. Those are the ones which annoy me.
Well, I was originally mocking the token appointment to the job. I can’t be blamed for ugly men making ugly women, Glitter. I feel you judged me a bit harshly there.

What do you call more than one tranny? Is like “deer”? Maybe “trani”? Seems like “tranny” shouldn’t be offensive if “transsexual” is the woke term. I sometimes use “it” just in case “he or she” is offensive. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which direction the tranny is transitioning to, you know? You swimming upstream or downstream? What stage of “transition” are you in? You tucking or already nipped?

Pronouns are no longer a laughing matter. Certainly not as funny as that ugly man in lipstick and a wig that got promoted because Biden promised it in return for votes.

Apparently it’s fair game to mock people’s appearances, no apology necessary. So let’s do this thing.

Well, I was originally mocking the token appointment to the job. I can’t be blamed for ugly men making ugly women, Glitter. I feel you judged me a bit harshly there.

What do you call more than one tranny? Is like “deer”? Maybe “trani”? Seems like “tranny” shouldn’t be offensive if “transsexual” is the woke term. I sometimes use “it” just in case “he or she” is offensive. Sometimes it’s hard to tell which direction the tranny is transitioning to, you know? You swimming upstream or downstream? What stage of “transition” are you in? You tucking or already nipped?

Pronouns are no longer a laughing matter. Certainly not as funny as that ugly man in lipstick and a wig that got promoted because Biden promised it in return for votes.
I... I'm not even sure what to say to all of this. I am more equipped to talk about soccer than I am about the proper way to describe someone's transition. I would assume there is a plural form of the word.

My final take on this is that I am an equal opportunity hater. I hate talking negatively about anyone's children, and I don't like making fun of anyone's looks- but hey, that's just me. We're all nuts, right?
All of it was made up - kinda like russia kolusion, ukraine kolusion, china kolusion, bursima kolusion,

Government is good at making you pick a side. Ideologues like you eat that stuff up. Don't worry, you aren't the first to be duped, and you won't be the last. It's what the gubment does. You think you know the truth as it's told to you, but you really don't. You've lost your ability to think clearly and make your own determinations. You saw Gavy eating dinner, you want to believe, but it's hard for you to go against your master. Just the way it is.

The hardest part is the adulting part. Once you figure that out, you'll be ok..
Uh, yeah sure, whatever you say Pepe’. Kasich 2024!
By the way...this is some of the corruption that T got rid of that B has brought back.

What they had been doing is having the corporations pay settlement funds to various groups that generally supported Dem causes. Those groups then used those fund to promote Dem politicians, etc.

The essence of corruption.

"President Trump got rid of the Obama/Biden slush funds where the Justice Department, CFPB, and EPA shook down corporations and then used the negotiated settlements that they were forced to pay (taxpayer money) to funnel kickbacks to their political supporters."
"In the first set of Executive Orders signed today by Joe Biden was the reversal of a DOJ policy put in place by Attorney General Jeff Sessions which prohibited provisions in settlement agreements in civil litigation that directed the opposing party to pay the money from the settlement to some third-party interest group that DOJ believed could put the money to better use than having it go into the Treasury of the United States."


"One case that got some notoriety was a settlement with Gibson Guitars over allegations that the company illegally imported ivory and rosewood from Madagascar and India. The Obama Justice Department opened the case as a criminal matter — shockingly — but later reached a civil settlement whereby Gibson agreed to pay a fine of $300,000 to avoid criminal prosecution. But another part of the settlement required Gibson pay $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, a private entity."

"A much more illuminating example of this practice, one that shows exactly how it can be used as a funding mechanism for all manner of Democrat Party interest groups, was the 2014 settlement of claims against Bank of America relating to the 2008 mortgage fraud crisis. Out of the total of $17 billion DOJ required BofA to pay, nearly $7 billion went to left-wing activist groups associated with Democrat party special interests."

"Yesterday, The United Nations released its Emissions Gap Report 2020, an annual assessment of contributions to greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. The report has some notable information amid an array of complicated projections that may or may not come true. It claims, for instance, that “despite a brief dip in carbon dioxide emissions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is still heading for a temperature rise.”

But for the United States, the real value in this report is as an advisory that it need not join the Paris Climate Accord. This report is evidence that, instead, the U.S. should just keep doing what it is doing to cut its own emissions. The U.S. is the most successful major country at mitigating its own pollution, and the U.N. shows this."

"Yesterday, The United Nations released its Emissions Gap Report 2020, an annual assessment of contributions to greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. The report has some notable information amid an array of complicated projections that may or may not come true. It claims, for instance, that “despite a brief dip in carbon dioxide emissions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is still heading for a temperature rise.”

But for the United States, the real value in this report is as an advisory that it need not join the Paris Climate Accord. This report is evidence that, instead, the U.S. should just keep doing what it is doing to cut its own emissions. The U.S. is the most successful major country at mitigating its own pollution, and the U.N. shows this."

The UN (and others) can now go back to lining their pockets with millions of US dollars. BOHICA
That is, 8 to 12 weeks unless we are all morons and start having dinner parties. Add some extra time if we all throw out our masks and visit friends indoors again.

Do you think it's o.k. to do that if: a) you have been fully vaccinated, or b) you have already had COVID?
Do you think it's o.k. to do that if: a) you have been fully vaccinated, or b) you have already had COVID?
b). I don’t know the re-infection rates well enough to say for sure. I’m not sure anyone does. The Louisiana and Arizona curves make me suspect second infections are kind of common. Both states show multiple peaks, a few months apart. That’s exactly what I’d expect if recovered people can still transmit once their immunity weakens. If second infections are common, then a post-covid dinner party is still a bad idea.

a). if everyone attending has been vaccinated, it’s probably safer. That one has at least been studied more thoroughly. Out of politeness, I’d still say that able bodied people should still socialize outside with the rest of us, even if they have been vaccinated. I don’t was to see compliance fall because those with early vaccines start setting a bad example.
At least she wasn’t a token appointment to her job because she fit the .002 percent of the population. And, if I’m not mistaken, she’s actually a female wearing eyeshadow and a dress.

You can put lipstick on a pig like Huckasans, but she’s still gonna eat scraps off the floor and stick her nose up the Mango Magat’s Depends if you let her.

And by the way, any grad of Ouachita Baptist University, whatever the hell that is, is a token god person appointee.