CA youth sports

How many young teachers pay into that pension but never get a dime? Not true

The system completely screws over young teachers. They get half your pay and teach the hard to reach students. You get twice the pay and first pick of classes. Not True

When there is an election, there is no warning, so new teachers don't have a chance to organize and be heard. Instead, the senior teachers keep control, and make sure the system continues. Not true

Yes, the pay isn't great. But the pay is bad, in part, because the senior folks repeatedly use the collective bargaining process to cheat the junior folks. Not true
Not true?

You might want to read your CBA.

Pay schedules should be in there. Along with the rules for class selection.

Rules for the non-portable pensions will be with CalSTRS.
Not true?

You might want to read your CBA.

Pay schedules should be in there. Along with the rules for class selection.

Rules for the non-portable pensions will be with CalSTRS.
Yes, most of us have to stay with same district or we lose years. True, which I don’t agree with.
Class selection of students is not true, but subjects taught or transferring to a different site is true.
Yes, most of us have to stay with same district or we lose years. True, which I don’t agree with.
Class selection of students is not true, but subjects taught or transferring to a different site is true.
Sounds familiar.

I didn’t mean teacher pick students as individuals. But you can do a lot by picking site and level. The remedial class at the weaker school is very different from the AP class at the stronger school.
I don't have issue with teacher pay.

I do have issue with the pay of military and police officers. 20 years of service and you can retire with pension? That's crazy.
I wish people would stop blaming the teachers for not wanting to go into a classroom of people who may or may not be bringing a virus that could make them very ill. If people took more time with their own kids instead of letting the internet and tv raise them it would be less of a problem (no I am not talking about the people working 2 jobs to put food on the table and a roof over their head). I now know several people that have come down with this nasty little bug and they were following protocols as best as possible. The people that are "hurting" the kids are the adults who keep trying to blame other people for the messes that other adults create.
As far as teacher pay that is ridiculous to talk about considering the extra hours many of them put in making their hourly rate low; especially in light of what youtube "influencers" are making or when a CEO is worth billions of dollars when people are homeless and hungry!
Does this suck, yep; could we have been in a different better place right now, who knows, but I would venture to guess the answer would have been yes if people would have worked together instead of whining and complaining about what others were doing (that is both political sides of the aisle).
CA Teachers Unions are directly to blame for public schools not opening. Private schools in CA have been in person full time since the beginning of the school year with no problem...don't take my word, ask our Gov whose kids have been attending private school in person full time. you're only disparaging people who work 1 job to put food on the table and a roof over their head? huh, never met anyone with this line of thinking.
Wow, says I gross about $40,000 more than I really make. They lump our insurance benefits into our salary. Very misleading. We make less per hour, per kid than a babysitter. Most of us educators want to teach in person. Online teaching and learning is more difficult for all of us, teachers and students. So sorry you rich stay at home mommies and daddies have to parent right now. Homeless and foster youth are going to in-person school in our district to get more support. Our special Ed population who need in-person services are also getting support. Stop blaming the educators for your problems.
Maybe all you educators who really want to teach in person should collectively organize and demand such from your union...because most of us parents who want our kids back in school and sports would gladly join you to amplify the demand.

Since when do Teachers Unions decide what's best for our kids.
Private schools in CA have been in person full time since the beginning of the school year with no problem...don't take my word, ask our Gov whose kids have been attending private school in person full time.

Did private school teachers return voluntarily or were they threatened to lose their job if they did not do so?

That may be the difference. Private school teachers are enslaved and has little bargaining power.
Don’t lots of public school teachers also spend money out of their own pocket to purchase supplies for the classroom and are never reimbursed by the district?
After paying taxes, don’t lots of public school parents also spend money out of their own pocket to purchase supplies for the classroom and are never reimbursed by the district?
I wish people would stop blaming the teachers for not wanting to go into a classroom of people who may or may not be bringing a virus that could make them very ill. If people took more time with their own kids instead of letting the internet and tv raise them it would be less of a problem (no I am not talking about the people working 2 jobs to put food on the table and a roof over their head). I now know several people that have come down with this nasty little bug and they were following protocols as best as possible. The people that are "hurting" the kids are the adults who keep trying to blame other people for the messes that other adults create.
As far as teacher pay that is ridiculous to talk about considering the extra hours many of them put in making their hourly rate low; especially in light of what youtube "influencers" are making or when a CEO is worth billions of dollars when people are homeless and hungry!
Does this suck, yep; could we have been in a different better place right now, who knows, but I would venture to guess the answer would have been yes if people would have worked together instead of whining and complaining about what others were doing (that is both political sides of the aisle).

How come 45 states around the country have had in classrooms education all school year and youth sports non stop? We must have some special kind of china virus in California huh?
Did private school teachers return voluntarily or were they threatened to lose their job if they did not do so?

That may be the difference. Private school teachers are enslaved and has little bargaining power.
Enslaved? ignorant choice of a word...aside from that, I'd love to see the facts and data you use to support your claims. I can only speak for all those I've spoken to directly...they were all very positive and happy people who gladly came back because they believed teachers are an essential part of our kids development...we're blessed to have them teaching our kids.
Maybe all you educators who really want to teach in person should collectively organize and demand such from your union...because most of us parents who want our kids back in school and sports would gladly join you to amplify the demand.

Since when do Teachers Unions decide what's best for our kids.
Actually, I am pretty sure the school board and Superintendent in our district are making the decisions.
It’s not about my employer appreciating us. It’s about how little some parents appreciate educators.
Taxpayers, thus parents, are your employer. All parents deeply appreciate good's just at this moment most parents would greatly appreciate educators who demand that kids be put first and schools open immediately.
Taxpayers, thus parents, are your employer. All parents deeply appreciate good's just at this moment most parents would greatly appreciate educators who demand that kids be put first and schools open immediately.
I wish demanding things as an educator works, but it doesn’t. Not with parents, not with the school board.
I didn’t even account for that...right now even more to support our online programs. Converted spaces for an office (garages, attics, bedroom space), extra computers, ink, paper, art supplies mailed home, packets, reinforcement prizes via Amazon deliveries, etc. So many
After paying taxes, don’t lots of public school parents also spend money out of their own pocket to purchase supplies for the classroom and are never reimbursed by the district?
So what. It takes a village AND it’s their damn kids. If you want to complain about taxes, complain about corporate welfare.
So what. It takes a village AND it’s their damn kids. If you want to complain about taxes, complain about corporate welfare.
That book was a joke and bombed, for good reason...yet, there will always be fools who buy it.