Actions in support of the Second Amendment

"I carry full time. I urge all of you to follow suit. If you don’t know how to shoot, find a range and go learn. Learn tactics to survive home invasions. Your kids and family are counting on you." Greg Phillips with True The Vote.

There already here in our country you guys. Joe let them into our country and each soldier is getting a cell phone, $2000 a month in goodies and told to just wait until you get the call to cause Chaos. Do NOT need the jab to come here but we do, let that sink in. Word on the street is there going to hit big cities that have strict Gun Control. I was watching some animals on motor bikes causing havoc in Southern Israel with AK-47's and AR 15. The residents of Israel are sitting ducks and can't defend themselves.
Gun control in Israel is relatively strict, and firearm licenses are generally only granted to those who can show a need for extra security in their line of work or daily life.
I'm praying for all of you in big cities like LA. Be very careful you guys, were next on the list. Obumer tried to take our right to bear arms to protect our loved ones. Joe, Espola and Husker all want you to hand in your weapons for a buy back. Espola posts bullshit stories all the time as if the gun is the problem. I wonder if Hamas has any weapons to defend themselves. This nut on here for the last few years hates that we have guns, why?
‘I’m going to cut your head off’ Hamas supporter tells shop worker two days after Israel attacks.


Espola, Dad and Husker Du wants everyone to hand in their guns. We have crazy dudes in our country right now waiting for a cell call to let the Cell know it's time to hunt humans. These are vicious and ruthless killers. This guy already threatens shop owner that he will cut of head. What is it about cutting off someone's head? Here's I see it today. If these lunatics attack, they will only chop head off after a wild shootout at home and they win. If one loses the shootout, oh well, at least they don't watch having their head chopped off. Israel is reporting 40 babies found with no heads. Grandma has been taken hostage and all women & children have been sent to rape chambers.