Galway Downs - Rain or shine?

Wow, unplayable on so many levels. In addition to the obvious, there is the fact that the line markings don't appear visible. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the ref have final say on whether a field is playable?

From experience - so much water on the field that the ball won't roll - play on.

Referee falls down in the mud - game over.

Personally, I would rather have puddles on the field stopping the ball than the wind blowing so hard the ball won't stay on the field.
The ref fell during my daughters 11:00 game. Game still played through final whistle. Game was at Galway fields too. They had an earlier Game now rescheduled for 4:45 right smack at evening prom time. Bummer.
In defense of Cal South, the forecast was for .2 inches on Saturday and .2 inches on Sunday. What Galway Downs received was 1+ inch of rain that started in the early morning and stayed steady throughout the day. This system was a "cut-off" low, which is a unique weather pattern that will cause one area to get inundated and another area a few miles away to receive a few drops and blue sky and clouds. For example:
This station, the closest to Galway Downs reported 1.1 inches on May 7, 2017 -
This other station, a few miles away reported .57" -

When games began in the morning, the facility had only received about .2" and all the fields were playable (water logged, but playable) and the dirt roads and lots were passable. By 7 am the rain started falling and falling and falling and didn't stop.

Cal South made the call to stop play at approximately 12:30 / 1pm because the fields were now waterlogged from an additional .5 inches and some fields, such as, field 4 were genuinely underwater. It was the right call. Maybe it could have been called earlier, but based on field conditions at 7am the fields were all playable. One of the reasons Cal South plays at Galway Downs and Silverlakes is because both facilities have made significant investments in their grass fields: drainage, bermuda grass, gopher control, professional field crews, etc., that you don't get with a City or County park.

One other point is some of you have commented that the grass was not good. Don't confuse the fact that Bermuda grass is dormant with and not growing until Spring (this year ... late Spring). The grass is there, just hanging out and waiting to turn green again once the nighttime temperatures reach +55F. The National Cup games were played there and live streamed. For a natural turf surface in late winter/early spring, it looks pretty darn good:
After seeing the pictures, Cal South or the referees should have stopped the games. Player safety should always come first. Games can always be rescheduled.

As for the players that have prom and games next Saturday, go to the prom!
It was really nice of them to reschedule the older girls games on the 13th to so late in the afternoon that it conflicts with prom. It would not surprise me if some teams have missing players or forfeit. We are talking senior year prom for many of these girls. Way to go Cal South!
MWN, thanks for your reply. And great information.

However, Calsouth is basing it that it was a referee decision once fields were unplayable, which in the real soccer world that is correct at any level. This what not the case on Sunday. Calsouth made us play these games because it would have caused a huge mess on there National Cup schedule by only having 4 of the 16 games played. I can understand Calsouth for trying to get the games played, trust me I do. But not on kids mercy. The proof is in already. The National Cup schedules for BU18 was released today at 5:30pm. The 8 make up games are scheduled Saturday at 8:15am with the round of 16 at 12:30pm and 2:30pm. That's proof that Calsouth made the decision to play the 8 games yesterday under unplayable field. Ondigions and not the referees. If they could have they would have played all 16 games. Now your asking some teams to play 2, 90 minutes games 2 hours apart. I hope they have first responders on every field because boys will be drained and probably passing out. Way to go once again Calsouth.
I think they should have pushed games back a day. So play all rescheduled games Saturday morning and start round of 16 as it was on Sunday. I'm sure it could have been done.
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Here are a few pictures for those that didn't get to see the quality of fields at Galway Downs that Cal South forced our Boys to play in.

We were scheduled for the next game on this field on Sunday. I am thankful somebody, not even sure who, had the sense to end the madness. The drive home, once we escaped the MUD PIT and lack of Refunds, was acceptable knowing nobody was hurt and we survived to play another day. Honestly, if anybody was hurt then Cal South should be held responsible.Plain and simple. Total joke as the fields were like this from 9AM on.
Here is my email to Calsouth today, no response from anyone.

Calsouth, I have never been as disappointed in over 20 years with Cal South as I am today. Your lack of safety concern for the boys on fields 1-4 in Galway Downs were never a concern. Only concern was to get the games in as the referee stated to me. How on earth does anyone in there right mind think it was safe to play under those field conditions. Well maybe if you guys would have had a representative at the field you would have realized that it was unsafe by 9:30am, the fields were drenched and flooded when I arrived at that time for an 11:00am game. I tried calling and emailing you guys before and during the game after consulting with the referee that this game shouldn't be played for poor field conditions. His response was its up to Calsouth with the final decision and to contact you guys. I asked him don't you have the final authority and he said apparently not today, that it was Calsouth that wanted these games played.

With no other choice or facing a automatic forfeit we allowed the boys to play like idiots. Unfortunately it was on the mercy of 3 of my players including my son. He will go for an MRI tomorrow at Kaiser and hope its not an MCL injury. That would ruin his Cal State Northridge University possibilities.

All this could have been avoided by, 1. The referee having the courage to postpone the game and overruling Calsouth request to play the games. 2, Calsouth having a representative present like required but nobody in sight.

Nobody from Calsouth has even called or responded to offer an apology or even to check in on my boys well being. I decided to call Anthony Morales today to ask why on earth did you guys make my boys play under those conditions. His response "the referee had the final decision" well Anthony and Calsouth what is one to do when faced with that situation? I tried everything, I talked to the ref reached out to Calsouth, ran to the tents but no Calsouth Reps in sight. Referee said it was Calsouth with the final decision. Anthony said it was the referee. Referee said it was Calsouth, back and forth. I find it hard to believe that 4 games at 9:00am and 4 games at 11:00am not one referee had the courage to make the decision that these fields were unplayable, sounds more like they were put in a bad situation by Calsouth, if it was the referee final discretion then they should all be suspended and retrained because none of them had the courage to over rule Calsouth. Sounds like you guys need to get your act together and decide who makes the call you guys or the referees?

How about you guys take accountability for once and realize that you are only human and dropped the ball on this one and made a horrible judgement call and never should have allowed these games to be played.

Attached are pictures and a video that show the unplayable field conditions to start our game.

Game should have never been allowed....
In defense of Cal South, the forecast was for .2 inches on Saturday and .2 inches on Sunday. What Galway Downs received was 1+ inch of rain that started in the early morning and stayed steady throughout the day. This system was a "cut-off" low, which is a unique weather pattern that will cause one area to get inundated and another area a few miles away to receive a few drops and blue sky and clouds. For example:
This station, the closest to Galway Downs reported 1.1 inches on May 7, 2017 -
This other station, a few miles away reported .57" -

When games began in the morning, the facility had only received about .2" and all the fields were playable (water logged, but playable) and the dirt roads and lots were passable. By 7 am the rain started falling and falling and falling and didn't stop.

Cal South made the call to stop play at approximately 12:30 / 1pm because the fields were now waterlogged from an additional .5 inches and some fields, such as, field 4 were genuinely underwater. It was the right call. Maybe it could have been called earlier, but based on field conditions at 7am the fields were all playable. One of the reasons Cal South plays at Galway Downs and Silverlakes is because both facilities have made significant investments in their grass fields: drainage, bermuda grass, gopher control, professional field crews, etc., that you don't get with a City or County park.

One other point is some of you have commented that the grass was not good. Don't confuse the fact that Bermuda grass is dormant with and not growing until Spring (this year ... late Spring). The grass is there, just hanging out and waiting to turn green again once the nighttime temperatures reach +55F. The National Cup games were played there and live streamed. For a natural turf surface in late winter/early spring, it looks pretty darn good:

I don't know what forecast you were looking at but the QPF for Temecula was showing .75-1.00 inches 36 hours out.
Several years ago we were at state cup and placed in Lancaster . The wind was so bad it was a dust bowl and you could not see the other side of the field. The dust hitting you was painful and for days after being out there, blowing your nose and cleaning your ears was mostly dirt. I did go the Cal south representative (they were holed up in the building by the parking lot, out of the wind) and expressed my concern for the health of the players and parents in these conditions . citing specifically the potential to contract Valley Fever , which is documented in the antelope valley. (Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. The fungus is known to live in the soil in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico and Central and South America. The spores are spread by the wind kicking up dust) I was given the same self serving excuse : "what are we supposed to do reschedule all these games. " .... Yes, you are to reschedule all these games and protect the health of the plays and families that are part of cal south and southern California soccer. Sorry that this is still the priority of youth soccer. hope those boys are ok .
In defense of Cal South, the forecast was for .2 inches on Saturday and .2 inches on Sunday. What Galway Downs received was 1+ inch of rain that started in the early morning and stayed steady throughout the day. This system was a "cut-off" low, which is a unique weather pattern that will cause one area to get inundated and another area a few miles away to receive a few drops and blue sky and clouds. For example:
This station, the closest to Galway Downs reported 1.1 inches on May 7, 2017 -
This other station, a few miles away reported .57" -

When games began in the morning, the facility had only received about .2" and all the fields were playable (water logged, but playable) and the dirt roads and lots were passable. By 7 am the rain started falling and falling and falling and didn't stop.

Cal South made the call to stop play at approximately 12:30 / 1pm because the fields were now waterlogged from an additional .5 inches and some fields, such as, field 4 were genuinely underwater. It was the right call. Maybe it could have been called earlier, but based on field conditions at 7am the fields were all playable. One of the reasons Cal South plays at Galway Downs and Silverlakes is because both facilities have made significant investments in their grass fields: drainage, bermuda grass, gopher control, professional field crews, etc., that you don't get with a City or County park.

One other point is some of you have commented that the grass was not good. Don't confuse the fact that Bermuda grass is dormant with and not growing until Spring (this year ... late Spring). The grass is there, just hanging out and waiting to turn green again once the nighttime temperatures reach +55F. The National Cup games were played there and live streamed. For a natural turf surface in late winter/early spring, it looks pretty darn good:

You defend Cal South? from your post:
you are not a meteorologist for sure! do a fact check on "cut off low" and sporadic down pours. It looks like you do carry a rain gage, that is a start
you are not a greens keeper for sure! looks like the "significant investment in grass field drainage was a bust"
You might work for Cal trans , as you are able to assess the passably of the parking lot.
you could possibly work for Cal South or have a resume' submitted for consideration
Are you the guy that said the GAMES SHOULD BE PLAYED. I Think so. BAD CALL , a picture is worth a thousand words!
I wasn't able to load the video. The entire game was a joke. Boys slipping and falling and hyperextending every part of the body. It almost felt like punishment for something they did wrong. I just hope my boys are ok and any other boys that were out there before and during our game.
The other choice here, for the future, would be to force the referee to Terminate the match by not playing. Referees don't decide the result of a game (forfeit or not). Then you take your chances on Appeal.

This is in the National Cup rules: Terminated Games - Should a game be prematurely terminated due to any actions of the Team Administrators and or players the Cal South NCCP shall have the authority to rule on the intent of the Team’s failure to complete the game and if there was an intent to forfeit the game the Team will Forfeit the game and causing the engagement of the FOFA Rule.
Several years ago we were at state cup and placed in Lancaster . The wind was so bad it was a dust bowl and you could not see the other side of the field. The dust hitting you was painful and for days after being out there, blowing your nose and cleaning your ears was mostly dirt. I did go the Cal south representative (they were holed up in the building by the parking lot, out of the wind) and expressed my concern for the health of the players and parents in these conditions . citing specifically the potential to contract Valley Fever , which is documented in the antelope valley. (Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. The fungus is known to live in the soil in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico and Central and South America. The spores are spread by the wind kicking up dust) I was given the same self serving excuse : "what are we supposed to do reschedule all these games. " .... Yes, you are to reschedule all these games and protect the health of the plays and families that are part of cal south and southern California soccer. Sorry that this is still the priority of youth soccer. hope those boys are ok .

I remember that weekend. The medical staff on hand was literally telling parents and coaches that it was unsafe to play and that they had strongly recommended the games be cancelled.
Jrcaesar, I understand what's your saying but the way Calsouth is acting about it then and now, only tells me they were behind the final decision. I talked to Anthony Morales yesterday and he never once apologized or had any concern for the boys. Just thru the referee under the bus. Calsouth knew exactly what they were doing. That's the reason they never bothered to actually inspect the fields 1-4. They left it all on the referees with specific instructions. The referee told me "Calsouth said these games must be played" so that's why Calsouth reps were not at the field cause they knew everyone including myself would have been down their necks protesting. So while the boys were out risking injuries they were all huddled inside the nice new trailer that we all paid for. COWARDS!!
Several years ago we were at state cup and placed in Lancaster . The wind was so bad it was a dust bowl and you could not see the other side of the field. The dust hitting you was painful and for days after being out there, blowing your nose and cleaning your ears was mostly dirt. I did go the Cal south representative (they were holed up in the building by the parking lot, out of the wind) and expressed my concern for the health of the players and parents in these conditions . citing specifically the potential to contract Valley Fever , which is documented in the antelope valley. (Valley fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. The fungus is known to live in the soil in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico and Central and South America. The spores are spread by the wind kicking up dust) I was given the same self serving excuse : "what are we supposed to do reschedule all these games. " .... Yes, you are to reschedule all these games and protect the health of the plays and families that are part of cal south and southern California soccer. Sorry that this is still the priority of youth soccer. hope those boys are ok .
I have been to some awfully windy games in Lancaster and San Bernardino before, and I thought maybe you were being whiny. Then I found a clip on Youtube of that year. My apologies dude, that was insane! Both of these situations are insane, actually. The pictures posted by Hector tell the story. I get that rescheduling is a nightmare, but come on, Cal South. Give your refs some room to make the right call.
I have been to some awfully windy games in Lancaster and San Bernardino before, and I thought maybe you were being whiny. Then I found a clip on Youtube of that year. My apologies dude, that was insane! Both of these situations are insane, actually. The pictures posted by Hector tell the story. I get that rescheduling is a nightmare, but come on, Cal South. Give your refs some room to make the right call.
We were there that day and there were gusts up to 44 mph with the wind going across the field.
I have been to some awfully windy games in Lancaster and San Bernardino before, and I thought maybe you were being whiny. Then I found a clip on Youtube of that year. My apologies dude, that was insane! Both of these situations are insane, actually. The pictures posted by Hector tell the story. I get that rescheduling is a nightmare, but come on, Cal South. Give your refs some room to make the right call.

Tournament in San Bernardino one year at the 215 wind tunnel fields. On Saturday the wind was blowing really hard the length of the fields - you had to make the most of your scoring chances in the half when the wind favored.

On Sunday the wind had shifted 90 degrees. All the trash cans were pressed up against the fence. If you put a ball down, the wind would blow it away. Heck, if you put a bag of balls down, or a gear bag, it would head off toward the trash cans on the fence. A lot of scoreless ties that weekend.