Covid risk management at soccer events

A spot to discuss what an individual can do to reduce and mitigate the corona virus exposure risk from soccer related travel.

This is mostly for people who see the risk as real and are on the fence about what do do about it. If you know it’s all a hoax, please express that opinion in another part of off topic.
Keep 6 feet away, or wear a mask if that's not possible, or double condom it and do both. Limit time inside at crowded places. Those will give you the most bang for the buck. Follow CDC guidelines. Accept that there is a certain level of risk by traveling and attending tournaments and most importantly enjoy.
Keep 6 feet away, or wear a mask if that's not possible, or double condom it and do both. Limit time inside at crowded places. Those will give you the most bang for the buck. Follow CDC guidelines. Accept that there is a certain level of risk by traveling and attending tournaments and most importantly enjoy.
any thoughts on the drive/hotel part?
A spot to discuss what an individual can do to reduce and mitigate the corona virus exposure risk from soccer related travel.

1. Use Airbnb to book a house for the weekend. Send a note to the owner to please open up windows on opposite sides of the house so there can be cross-ventilation before you arrive. Surfaces inside the house are extremely unlikely to infect you, but you may want to bring clorox wipes for high-touch surfaces, eg bathroom doorknobs, refrigerator handles, etc.

2. The day of your games, ensure that there is a set meeting place for your team and that you map out the route to take for your kids beforehand. If you can print a map of the complex, do that beforehand and mark where the meeting place and the fields are. TDs should be mandating that teams play on the same fields for both of their games-- if this isn't happening, that's a sloppy organization that your club should reevaluate its relationship with.

3. Restroom break before you leave your Airbnb, no questions. Drop off your masked-up kids at the entrance with the complex map and point them at the meeting place, then go park. Encourage them to move quickly through the entryway. Again, the complex should have separate entry and exit points, otherwise the org is sloppy and see above.

4. Under no circumstances should parents go near the team bench. Never ever ever ever. Not to put up an ez-up, not to line up bags nice and neat, not to help out the team manager, never. Team manager should give the cards to the coach and let them take care of all interactions with the ref, scorekeepers, etc. If you need to put up an ez-up, let the coach and a couple of kids take care of this. Do not approach the bench.

5. Families masked and socially distanced evenly over the entire touchline, ten feet back at a minimum. Please sit. I know you parents who pace behind the touchline. Please don't. Stay in one place. Clap like crazy. Bring air horns or other noisemakers. Try not to scream, please. Buy yourself a bluetooth speaker and pipe in some crowd noise, whatever. Don't yell.

6. After the game, please pack up faster than you ever have -- there are always families who want to linger around on the touchline. Don't be that family. Let your coach and kids break down the ez-up and team bench and have the team manager collect it. You may be tempted to leave your stuff for your afternoon game-- don't do that either. Leave the complex and go to your local deli or whatever. If you're within distance of your Airbnb, that will be an infinitely better choice. You may be tempted to have the typical between-game team and parent hangout. Please don't do this right now. Get your food to go and have a picnic out of your car.

7. Make sure you are constantly reminding your kids that these aren't real games. These are only to keep them halfway sharp. It means nothing if they get blown out, or if they blow out another team. Your coach will be telling them the same thing. They're smart kids, they'll get it.
Stay away from me and I will stay away from you. Wear mask in the car like all the other scared people on the 10 frwy. Wave high to everyone as you pass them by. Never take your mask off, ever!! Stay in your hotel no matter what. Order delivery from a cooperate restaurant because all the private places are shut down. We all know WWSD to our food, right?
any thoughts on the drive/hotel part?
Not really, apart from of what I said. Don't use the restrooms at janky gas stations, IDK? Like I may have mentioned before, one of the families was more comfortable booking separate accommodations with a kitchen so that they didn't have to eat out.

The hotel in Phoenix we stayed at was above and beyond cleaning and sanitizing, including masks required in the lobby. If anyone is that concerned they could call the hotel prior to inquire of their cleaning procedures.

Restaurants were crowded, if that makes you uncomfortable, don't go. The bulk of our team went out to eat together and enjoyed ourselves. When in Rome?

I would say if you are going to be hyper worried about getting Covid and are going to go to the lengths that notintheface is proposing, then don't go. It just won't be worth it for you. You can only control your behavior and not the behavior of others. So if the behavior of the other parents, or players, is going to annoy you, don't go.

2 hands on the wheel. Pay attention to the other traffic. Turn on the radio and enjoy the ride.
Actually a valid point. Dad4 I believe you have a long drive. I'd be more concerned about staying alert on the drive and not pushing your limits of hours on the road. Take a break when you need to.
The hotel in Phoenix we stayed at was above and beyond cleaning and sanitizing, including masks required in the lobby. If anyone is that concerned they could call the hotel prior to inquire of their cleaning procedures.

The reason I encourage an Airbnb is because you can guarantee that you won't have recirculated air. In a hotel you can't guarantee that. That will 100% be your greatest risk of the weekend-- indoors for an extended period of time. Your outdoor time, as long as you maintain distance, should be fine.

watfly said:
Restaurants were crowded, if that makes you uncomfortable, don't go. The bulk of our team went out to eat together and enjoyed ourselves. When in Rome?

The reason I encourage having a picnic out of your car, maybe with one or two close team friends in their car, is because a gathering of 50 people right now in Maricopa county -- say, the inside of a restaurant -- gives you a better than 50% chance that someone in the restaurant is infected.

Those two things are your biggest risk. If you really want to get games over a weekend, it's easy for you to reduce those two risks. Everything else that I posted is just to be polite to your teammates families, your coach, your refs, your club, and the TD.
2. The day of your games, ensure that there is a set meeting place for your team and that you map out the route to take for your kids beforehand. If you can print a map of the complex, do that beforehand and mark where the meeting place and the fields are.
I recommend this for all games at multifield complexes regardless of Covid. I can't tell you how times a kid or parent has gotten lost. It's so obvious to do, but few coaches or team managers do so.
The reason I encourage an Airbnb is because you can guarantee that you won't have recirculated air. In a hotel you can't guarantee that. That will 100% be your greatest risk of the weekend

Those two things are your biggest risk.
Wrong wrong and more wrong Face. Where you staying? Scottsdale in a palace? The greatest risk I saw at our place was dudes on drugs looking to see if i had some spare change and mad dogging me. Another dude was a pimp for sure and then one of the nights I walked down the stairs ((elevators are super spreader place)) and some girl is crying and her boyfriend ((not so sure)) was telling her he's sorry for being an asshole. I swear if he hit her, I would have beat the crap out of him. So those are the true risk for most of us.
The reason I encourage an Airbnb is because you can guarantee that you won't have recirculated air. In a hotel you can't guarantee that. That will 100% be your greatest risk of the weekend-- indoors for an extended period of time. Your outdoor time, as long as you maintain distance, should be fine.

The reason I encourage having a picnic out of your car, maybe with one or two close team friends in their car, is because a gathering of 50 people right now in Maricopa county -- say, the inside of a restaurant -- gives you a better than 50% chance that someone in the restaurant is infected.

Those two things are your biggest risk. If you really want to get games over a weekend, it's easy for you to reduce those two risks. Everything else that I posted is just to be polite to your teammates families, your coach, your refs, your club, and the TD.
I'm leaving at 4 for my get away with my wife. So you can beat me with the most psots today. Have fun Face and stay on topic :) I love you brother and fellow American :)
I recommend this for all games at multifield complexes regardless of Covid. I can't tell you how times a kid or parent has gotten lost. It's so obvious to do, but few coaches or team managers do so.

For the love of god, please text to everyone which side of the Great Park to park on, and please text to everyone if you should turn left or right at the Silverlakes entrance when we're all back.
For the love of god, please text to everyone which side of the Great Park to park on, and please text to everyone if you should turn left or right at the Silverlakes entrance when we're all back.
Ha, ha, Great Park was one of those instances. It was for a DA showcase a year or so ago and the map that was on Great Park's website was different than the actual fields. Like 180 degrees different, so you weren't even close. In that case, map was not helpful.
My players have been to Phoenix 4 times since September. We only eat outside or in our hotel room with family only. On the way to Phoenix, we stop one time. Gas, bathroom break, pick up food and eat it in the car on the road. If you opt to stay in a hotel, request a room on a lower floor and use the staircase rather than the elevator. We bring our own breakfast regardless if the hotel provides a free one and try to book a hotel with a kitchen. Masks are worn to and from the field and we sit away from all the other parents. Any person we talk to is 6 feet away and wearing a mask. So far so good!
When this HOAX is looked back upon. a lot of HUMANS are going to
feel pretty idiotic for buying into the scams that were conjured up to
kill the AMERICAN economy and allow greedy soul selling Politicians
the ability to reset the Global Financial status.....
Don't become one of the sheep.

Become the Herder who kills the conniving lying stealing Wolves........

It's that simple !!!!!
