What is your School Doing so far regarding sports?

Mom worked 2 jobs. Older siblings “raised us” while she was at work and she devoted her days off to us.
My DD is 16yrs old and she has done some neat stuff to stay occupied. She has started her own little garden, so in return my daughter, 11yr old son and I have started to build our own planter boxes from scratch. Teaching them how to measure, cut wood, screw the pieces together, stain and paint and mount them to our retaining wall. We bought her canvases and she’s discovered she actually a pretty good artist. We have been going on family runs around the neighborhood. We remodeled our bathroom together. Next is the kitchen. This is a good time to start projects around the house with the help of your kids. Soccer is not the end all be all. I hope each kid doesn’t think all they are is a soccer player and without they are lost. Soccer is one of many things they do, it’s not who they are. If soccer ended I have no doubt my kids will be fine and find something else constructive to do until this is resolved.
We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly. :)
Yes she can. My daughter would be happy to show him what I’ve taught her on my days off from work. My 16yr old watches my 11yr old while my wife and I are both at work. Any other excuses. Wife works 10 hr days 4 days a week and I work 12 hr days 4x per week. Neither of us from home. We took down our cabinets on my off day (everyone has one of those) taught them how to sand it down so they can do it while I’m at work.
I completely judged you and for that I'm sorry. I thought you were the stay home mom. My bad and I am very impressed with your nuclear family. That is bad ass parenting and great job. I love happy families and you have one. Good job dad.
We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly. :)
I have a question I'm sure you wont answer but I will try any ways. Why are you here on the soccer forum? Is this cause for you bigger than the virus? Be honest, thanks....
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We have been pleasantly surprised at how creative the kids are. They have thought up games that are great, cheap and require very little. The one we don't like are the yellow sticky notes they have put up all over the walls and then try and hit with a soccer ball. We ended that one pretty quickly. :)

Yup or "let's see who heads the ball the best while I drop it from the loft upstairs" that one ended pretty quickly too...
Here's something for all you online home stayers. Online Camp. Become IMG top 150 online soccer players......

By continuing to evolve our cutting-edge training methodology, IMG Academy has helped develop thousands of athletes of all ages and ability levels on the Bradenton, Florida campus.

This online soccer camp focuses on both technical (dribbling, passing, shooting) and tactical (match strategy, positioning) components with feedback delivered from IMG coaches relevant to your age and skill. IMG soccer coaches have proven experience developing high-level collegiate student-athletes, national team players, and professional athletes, and you can now gain access to their unparalleled insight from anywhere in the world.

Each day begins and ends with a video call with your coach, and you will submit videos of your completed drills to your coach for their daily, individualized feedback.

Camps are available the weeks of July 6, July 13, July 20 and July 27.


We are offering a limited number of participants an introductory rate of $399, which is $200 off camp registration. Register now before spots fill up by using the promo code IMGPLUSJULY!
All summer athletic programs cancelled as of 7/9 at our HS.

As other posters have mentioned teachers seem afraid now and the union is against a return for the fall in LA, now this:

If you read the la teachers unions demands it’s actually much more sweeping. Among the demands they are making to return to work are An end to new charter creation, reducing the role of police in schools, universal health care for all teachers and students and a federal bailout of schools. I think it’s less about the union being afraid and more about t having weighed in so the union is taking a stand against.
If you read the la teachers unions demands it’s actually much more sweeping. Among the demands they are making to return to work are An end to new charter creation, reducing the role of police in schools, universal health care for all teachers and students and a federal bailout of schools. I think it’s less about the union being afraid and more about t having weighed in so the union is taking a stand against.

Give teachers whatever they want. March through June showed just how criminally underpaid they are! Sorry, but Jeff Bezos can be taxed up the wazoo to pay teachers what they're worth.
Let's have teachers day today. I really want to hear from teachers. DeVos just made a vow that schools will be open this fall. How many of you are in the LA Unified?
Arizona Teacher Dies after teaching in the same classroom with other teachers

"Everything is safety, safety, safety," said Jena Martinez-Inzunza, a Hayden-Winkelman teacher. "What a contradiction to be threatened by the president. What a contradiction to be bullied: 'Do this, or I'm going to pull funding.' What a contradiction to say our kids lives matter … Why would you push to open schools?"

The news of Byrd's death comes as President Donald Trump wages a campaign to reopen schools on time, even suggesting federal funding from schools that don't open could be ''cut off.''

Byrd had asthma and several other health issues. Her doctor told her that she likely had a sinus infection, but her breathing continued to go downhill, Jesse Byrd said. Her kids eventually convinced her to go to the hospital. He couldn't go in with his wife, who called and said she was being admitted for COVID-19

I'm trying to be very sensitive to this issue. I just confused. I drove from Newport to Laguna yesterday. It was crazy ass busy and I saw people working and helping all the customers. It was packed like sardines of people. People walking and crowds everywhere. Kids being kids and playing and talking and hanging out. I'm sorry to hear about her dying. How do they know she got it at the school? Was the virus in the classroom waiting for all three to get them? Why is she even out and about with her bad health issues? No one forced anyone to go to that class to teach with the other teachers so they could teach together. This was a choice. EVERYONE please listen and I dont care what industry you work in. If your over 60 and have asthma and other health issues, please do not go out. It's simple. Teach from home. This is a very misleading article and this is only the way to scare teachers into not teaching.
Here is why big change is coming in large school districts. 40% of adults in the USA are obese. That means 2 out for 4 teachers are obese. Let's figure another 10-15% have unhealthy lifestyles and other underlying health issues caused by the unhealthy life style and some not caused at all by them, just bad luck. Smoking, drinking in excessively and all that. That means 4 out of 10 teachers should not teach in person. I totally get it now. This virus is not leaving and has already made it's home here and is looking to hang out with us. Schools need some big time change if we are going to offer our kids a quality education. Online is not the way to go. We need to re think and re teach how we teach and what we teach. One size does not fit all. I have so many ideas to fix this.

Update: With the latest data from the NHANES showing that 39.6 percent of adults and 18.5 percent of children ages 2 to 19 in America have obesity, the State of Obesity report noted that “these are the highest rates ever documented by NHANES.” Shut the schools down with these stats and start over. Have the healthy teachers teach the healthy kids. The teachers with health or weight issues can stay home and teach online and the kids who prefer online and its safer, then offer that. For students like I was I would look to release those kids and allow them to take a GED and go work or get on with their life.
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They all wore masks. Socially distanced. They all got it. One died.

Article did mention the first one to fall ill went on a camping trip. Even though the article says they tried to distance if you are traveling it’s pretty much impossible. You are marketing, registering, buying gas, using restrooms, passing by other people
Article did mention the first one to fall ill went on a camping trip. Even though the article says they tried to distance if you are traveling it’s pretty much impossible. You are marketing, registering, buying gas, using restrooms, passing by other people
Mrs Byrd had diabetes and lupus as well. RIP and I truly mean that. The way this article was written with the headlines and bold words makes you put fear in your mind and that's what the news is about today.
This song is about America and why it was born, should be played online to start the school year, a long with all the other views. Look at the color of ALL the people getting their citizenship. Beautiful!!! "Only in America could my parents come here with $500 to their name and retire with over $3,000,000 as a math teacher and Kindergarten teacher and some good investments. My dad tells me all the time that America is the greatest country in the world. Let's not ever forget that and let's not ever stop teaching that." My friend in higher up ed. BTW, I want teachers to be safe and the kids safe as well before they all go back into a full classroom. The 70+ grocery baggers I see working at Stater Bro are very healthy. If your not in the best shape still after the last four months, please please get healthy. I hope we can keep politics out of the school districts this fall and come up with a fair and safe solution for all students and the parnets who already lost their jobs and have $500 in the bank. I say if bruno's parents can do it, so can the rest of us. We just need a fresh start and not stop and then go and the stop againg. False starts at track meets suck, especial if you had a good job out of the gate but someone else tried to cheat.....lol!!! Happy Sunday Socal and friends.

We hear you pediatricians: Kids don’t usually get severe symptoms. They are usually asymptomatic. That is all well and good, but kids can still spread the virus to each other. They might not get sick, but they can take those germs home to their families. They can give those germs to their teachers, who can take it home to their families. Yes, we, as teachers, are used to being the sacrificial lambs. Yes, we protect our students and would take a bullet for them if necessary. We would give our lives to keep them safe when they are in our care. But I am not willing to expose myself to COVID and take COVID home to my family for the sake of having school in-person when that is completely preventable.

We hear you, governors: wE aRe hAVinG a haRd tiMe mAkiNg dEcisiONs. Yes, this is an ever-changing situation and we have all been keeping our fingers crossed, but COVID is not going away, cases are on the rise, the school year is approaching, and we need answers.

We hear you, Secretary of Education (“the first secretary of education with zero experience in public schools”): Blah, blah, blah. Please sit down.

We hear you, President: These CDC guidelines are too safe. Make them less safe and easier and cheaper to follow. Open the schools or I will cut your funding. The health and safety of this country’s children and teachers is more important than the economy. That should be obvious and not a political issue to be debated.

But what do I know? I’m just a teacher. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯