Impeach Trump

Let's start with obstruction of justice. We will see soon if he fulfills his promise to give a deposition for Mueller under oath without committing perjury.
We actually should start with the obstruction of justice by Comey regarding Hillary and the Top Secret emails. You people like skipping past that detail.
Comey was fired because he obstructed justice by letting Hilz and the custodians of Top Secret info off the hook. The Coocoos on the left are ignoring that fact for obvious reasons.
With Comey screwing the pooch on the Hillary deal and pissing everyone off, BTW, he should have been fired.
Maybe he will get to go to prison now.
We actually should start with the obstruction of justice by Comey regarding Hillary and the Top Secret emails. You people like skipping past that detail.
Is it President Comey, or President Clinton, I forgot which? You must know, Iz. You talk about them all the time when we discuss the investigations.
With Comey screwing the pooch on the Hillary deal and pissing everyone off, BTW, he should have been fired.
Maybe he will get to go to prison now.
Was it President Comey and VP Hillary, or vice versa? I keep forgetting the real targets of the investigation. You and Iz have been so helpful keeping us on track.