Climate and Weather

Better people than I have already done it. I don't think those results will show up on your anthropological sites.
Faith is not proof.
Its something you believe, or want to believe.
I showed you something tangible.
Your answer is to ignore it.
You didn't. You don't understand much, but in your arrogant solitude you have decided you do.
The entertainment value is A+, though.
Copper or PVC?

In my college summer job days working as a plumber, electrician, and HVAC installer (but we just called it "sheet metal"), the boss would ask his electrical customers "Copper or aluminum?". Aluminum was a lot cheaper and about the same labor to install, so a lot of customers chose aluminum and as a result, I installed a lot of it. I wonder about those places every time I am back in that neighborhood.
Yes, really, and the answer is yes to the first one you asked, assuming a common definition of "directly".


What did your twitter master tell you?

Do you worship at the alter of " Al Gore's " Church of False Premises .....
That is funded by Carbon Taxes ......
Perhaps you should study more Science - Plate Tectonics - Geology and spend less time
regurgitating crap.....

The only way the sea level rises " significantly " is to shift the bodies containing them around...
And YES that's taking into account the Fresh Water Glaciers on land....
96-97 % of the liquid on this Planet is salt water..
2-3 % is fresh water......
There is a finite amount of liquid on this planet ...
It is a constant that for all practical purposes remains the same....
Maybe you should study Google Earth a little more and recognize the
fascinating aspects of New Technology that lets you see how the Earth
has shifted and IS shifting....It's right there at your finger tips...Knucklehead.
Wow, never knew, another silver spooner working the commoners for ratings and more wealth. Nothing in his bio that suggests he could relate to the working class that's for sure. Another flim flam man cashing in on the conservative cash cow . . . CNN fired, MSNBC fired . . . yet the naive persist.
I don’t know, man. Ricky knows a “man of the people” when he sees one and even though they’re not paying him, he’s sold on Tucker, as well as Fred Trump’s kid.
Do you worship at the alter of " Al Gore's " Church of False Premises .....
That is funded by Carbon Taxes ......
Perhaps you should study more Science - Plate Tectonics - Geology and spend less time
regurgitating crap.....

The only way the sea level rises " significantly " is to shift the bodies containing them around...
And YES that's taking into account the Fresh Water Glaciers on land....
96-97 % of the liquid on this Planet is salt water..
2-3 % is fresh water......
There is a finite amount of liquid on this planet ...
It is a constant that for all practical purposes remains the same....
Maybe you should study Google Earth a little more and recognize the
fascinating aspects of New Technology that lets you see how the Earth
has shifted and IS shifting....It's right there at your finger tips...Knucklehead.
There’s that Twilight Zone theme again. Or what was the theme to the movie “Idiocracy?”
I don’t know, man. Ricky knows a “man of the people” when he sees one and even though they’re not paying him, he’s sold on Tucker, as well as Fred Trump’s kid.

Your hypocrisy is amazing......

You'll be quite surprised when charges are finally heaped on the Clinton Crime Family....
