CA youth sports

Said this in the other thread:
This could be interesting.
I'm sure that most Del Mar / Rancho Santa Fe homeowners would be thrilled to see Via de La Valle have less traffic on weekends.

That dude is a bit of a whiner- but he does have a point. I want to return to play. We've snuck around to a few undercover scrimmages here and there. It seems that Surf feels they don't need to sneak around and are throwing it in everyone's face.
At least the undercover oceanside games aren't right near housing and are sort of hidden.

Will there be any penalty or repercussions for blatant violations? I doubt it.
Said this in the other thread:
This could be interesting.
I'm sure that most Del Mar / Rancho Santa Fe homeowners would be thrilled to see Via de La Valle have less traffic on weekends.

That dude is a bit of a whiner- but he does have a point. I want to return to play. We've snuck around to a few undercover scrimmages here and there. It seems that Surf feels they don't need to sneak around and are throwing it in everyone's face.
At least the undercover oceanside games aren't right near housing and are sort of hidden.

Will there be any penalty or repercussions for blatant violations? I doubt it.
And I hope not. The only thing being violated are our children’s health and happiness. I understand many don’t like Surf and to some they are just a big soccer business. I see this as progress towards my child’s happiness. Surf should be thanked as should restaurants, gyms and other businesses that stayed open during these unscientific, non-data driven, unconstitutional, political lockdowns. I challenge those on this forum to be on the right side of history for our children’s sake and don’t let your feelings about Surf get in the way of what we all know is right. My child should be playing soccer and I commend Surf and any other club that is providing kids an outlet.
And I hope not. The only thing being violated are our children’s health and happiness. I understand many don’t like Surf and to some they are just a big soccer business. I see this as progress towards my child’s happiness. Surf should be thanked as should restaurants, gyms and other businesses that stayed open during these unscientific, non-data driven, unconstitutional, political lockdowns. I challenge those on this forum to be on the right side of history for our children’s sake and don’t let your feelings about Surf get in the way of what we all know is right. My child should be playing soccer and I commend Surf and any other club that is providing kids an outlet.
Agreed. Now get ready for @dad4 riding in on his high horse tugging his chin while painting you with some broad brush BS about apartments in your neighborhood.
Did I have you pegged wrong? Are you saying you would not protest if someone wanted to build an apartment building on your block?

I think I got that one right. I’ve met the kind of people who advocate for the needs of other people, and you don’t seem the type.
Save your social media snake oil psychiatry for someone who gives a damn.
And I hope not. The only thing being violated are our children’s health and happiness. I understand many don’t like Surf and to some they are just a big soccer business. I see this as progress towards my child’s happiness. Surf should be thanked as should restaurants, gyms and other businesses that stayed open during these unscientific, non-data driven, unconstitutional, political lockdowns. I challenge those on this forum to be on the right side of history for our children’s sake and don’t let your feelings about Surf get in the way of what we all know is right. My child should be playing soccer and I commend Surf and any other club that is providing kids an outlet.

I'll add to my post that the clubs that practice at Great Park know that they can't be playing games at the Great Park. Not on weekends and no contact during practice. But these clubs are (mostly) still finding ways to get in a game. In black or white t-shirts with no club logos on them.
I'll add to my post that the clubs that practice at Great Park know that they can't be playing games at the Great Park. Not on weekends and no contact during practice. But these clubs are (mostly) still finding ways to get in a game. In black or white t-shirts with no club logos on them.

Actually Great park was just given approval for full contact practice so games will not be far behind.
Actually Great park was just given approval for full contact practice so games will not be far behind.
12 months of no contact while the rest of the country and a few socal clubs never missed a beat. Unfair is understatement but what else is new. Life is not fair. Lets all be positive and get to contact soccer for once. My goat need at least 30 days of hard core contact. I appreciate the USL and it;s done to stand up for the kids but we need ECNL, like now.
Not sure I would use kids as pawn in that chess match. That’s a character issue and that’s where my issue lies.
No chess match. At least in CA, 61 and his kind won years ago.

When it’s time to add lights to a field, the kids lose. 10 years later, when those kids need a place of their own, those same kids lose again.

I’m just having fun letting 61 know that, when he looks in the mirror, it’s the HOA dude starting back at him.
I'll add to my post that the clubs that practice at Great Park know that they can't be playing games at the Great Park. Not on weekends and no contact during practice. But these clubs are (mostly) still finding ways to get in a game. In black or white t-shirts with no club logos on them.
Don’t you think if more big name clubs just held up the middle finger to Newsome by allowing their teams to play at these fields, it would show that the risk is super low and that we will no longer allow this control?
I was there last weekend for lacrosse. It is odd that they only mention the soccer games and not the 15 lacrosse fields that were playing back to back games all weekend long. Teams from all over the country were playing.
I was there last weekend for lacrosse. It is odd that they only mention the soccer games and not the 15 lacrosse fields that were playing back to back games all weekend long. Teams from all over the country were playing.

This. I don't get it why soccer is the one getting singled out and why soccer is the sport with the orgs which are most willing to strictly adhere to the state limitations. Club football is being's actually been a release valve for the players since high school football isn't, and yesterday CIF came out with a statement warning some high schools that just shifted all their teams to club that the behavior would be sanctioned...but club football has been playing. In our neck of the woods, we saw organized baseball games even during the deep part of the winter lockdown. Water polo has been going out of state for tournaments and practicing full contact in private outdoor pools. Club basketball has apparently been playing too.

More likely he is mad about traffic, and rats out the kids to get even.

Probably bought the house when no one used the polo fields for much of anything, and then got surprised when the vacant land didn't stay vacant.
Thanks Scott.