What does Cal-South actually "Do"?

Not all of us grew until with rich families that would spring for the 24 crayon box with a sharpener. To expound upon your analogy though Cal south would need someone to open the Crayon box, find the right crayon, take the crayon out and then teach them how to color. A sharpener would not be enough.
Now if you told me they were hanging it all up and going into the sweatshirt selling business online I would say they will be multimillionaires.
Color selection is also hard. Especially with the pricey 64 crayon carton.:D
USSF is the problem. It cannot do anything right, and our national teams are the proof. Its entrenched hierarchy supports:

Corporate promotion without performance;
Uninspired coaching;
Licensure based on rigid dogma instead of what works;
Employment based on who you know;
A top-down system whose top people are utterly incompetent.

Year-in-and-year-out the USSF proves it is a second-class organization.
I just saw a Facebook post that all State Cup Hoodies are now on sale. 30% off.
Get 'em while they're hot!!!
Its easy to make fun, but Cal South does provide value. If it didn't then US Club Soccer would gain traction in Southern California. Other than the NPL, US Club Soccer is a non-entity here.

MWN - Thank you so much for clarifying!!! Based on this and the playing conditions at Galway Downs Cal South is the WD40 of Soccer!!! Cal South is a Lubricant!! Maybe they are the KY Jelly of the Soccer World!! Nobody will get any traction in Southern California!!
Not all of us grew until with rich families that would spring for the 24 crayon box with a sharpener. To expound upon your analogy though Cal south would need someone to open the Crayon box, find the right crayon, take the crayon out and then teach them how to color. A sharpener would not be enough.
Now if you told me they were hanging it all up and
going into the sweatshirt selling business online I would say they will be multimillionaires.

Oh lord- we may star having ODP at 08 and 09 now. Apparently the sweatshirt business wasn't good this year. Sweatshirts are now 30 percent off! Expect 6 year old ODP by winter...