Tudela LA FC G05 white

I would go the other way on this. From the Discovery League's perspective, I would drop Tudela's teams because KJR, who is Tudela's social media voice, suggests it is a crappy league which Tudela is only using until it is accepted into a better platform, and that its event-status with the GA constitutes that better platform.

Likewise, if I were Tudela, I would drop out of the Discovery League, because it views it as a third-class league behind the ECNL and the GA. Despite KJR's protests, Tudela does disdain the league, and that can be verified by his own comments:
  • they beat teams 11-0 on crap fields;
  • they have to prove their quality despite the league, because the top college programs just want to see ECNL or GA;
  • its not a college scout magnet;
  • they owe a duty to their players to find a better platform.
KJR says that Tudela strives to always do the right thing. Prove it. Do the right thing and remove all of your teams from the Discovery League. You hate it. You think it is a bad fit. You don't want to follow its rules. And then you complain when the rules are enforced after your non-compliance.
Jesus, Bob, hold off your pitchfork!!!

You need to understand that no one owes YOU an explanation. They don’t have to prove anything to you. They broke the rules, they receive the sanction according to those same rules. That’s it. Between the club and the league. Move on.

For a Bob, you seriously act as a major Karen.