Tudela FC LA 05 and 07


Putting this on a new thread to, I hope, bury the one that was built on a lie.

After a very candid and positive phone conversation between Jacob and Michelle, Michelle followed up with an email that I'm excerpting below (not including the entire exchange in order to protect the identity of the person and club who started the lie. We're not interested in escalating things at this point; our position is to move forward unless we have cause to circle back.)

My daughter has trained with Jacob for almost ten years; I've helped him build TFC LA, and I take any criticism of it very seriously. We're not perfect, but we always try to do things with integrity. In a climate of consolidation we've remained independent, because we believe in how we're trying to do youth soccer. But that means we don't have a margin for error, so when our top two teams are publicly accused of cheating, it's an existential attack on our club.

I've been heartened by all of the public and private support we've received; the SoCal soccer community is, mostly, a great one. But let this, hopefully, put any rumors and speculation to rest so we can all move on:

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