Some data on Covid-19 and why we're not over reacting...

Not a chance.
My friends dont hassle people for wearing or not wearing a mask.
Its a free country.
Just stay 6 feet away and you wont get hurt.

My guess is that someone told him to put a mask on and he lost his shit.
Or shop somewhere else that doesn’t require masks if that’s your thing.
Looks childish, selfish, and stupid to me.
Free country.
You are entitled to your own opinion and are free to express it.
I happen to believe anyone who forces their own beliefs on others is wrong.
Whether it’s forced masking or forced unmasking.
My position is simple.
Wear a mask if you like.
Free country.
You are entitled to your own opinion and are free to express it.
I happen to believe anyone who forces their own beliefs on others is wrong.
Whether it’s forced masking or forced unmasking.
My position is simple.
Wear a mask if you like.

Do you wear a mask when you enter businesses that require one?
Do you wear a mask when you enter businesses that require one?
Lets be clear.
Businesses should be free to apply their own rules but this is not the case in California.
The governor has issued an authoritarian decree mandating by force, the wearing of face coverings.
Has anyone seen this novel approach to COVID-19 being developed by UCSF? Fascinating. Basically an inhalant containing something called “nanobodies” (micro-sized antibodies) that prevent COVID-19 from replicating. Inspired by a defense mechanism that occurs naturally in Llamas and camels.

Another article on inhaled protectant out of UCSF. Super exciting. One of the scientists involved in the development said it was so effective it exceeded their ability to measure its potency. Could even potentially be used in air conditioning filters.
