Black Lives Matter

LMAO! "Uh, I apologize for not being black enough to portray a black woman." What the fuck is going on?

Idiocy on display again. Apologizing for being apparently not black enough to play a black character.

And I see now apparently cartoon voices have to be cast according to color otherwise RACISM!!! or something stupid like that.

Can I get a shout out to more useless virtue signaling?

Sally Yates took the bait and ran with the rope, even with Butthole Lindsey Graham giving her
an open door....!
Why is there only ONE race that can't seem to understand that resisting arrest is a stupid idea?

“White supremacy continues to have its way in this city, in this state, in this country and in this world,” Terrance Hawkins, an activist in the city, said. “We want justice, and we want it now.”

Uh, white supremacy or black stupidity, you pathetic motherfucker?
