What’s the latest with West Coast FC/OC Surf merger

exactly. so to say DA is better than teams at XYZ is absurd. all a controlled environment.

I don't think DA cares about this nor should they. Their mission is to find players for the National teams. They want DA to focus on development. It's the parents that want the various leagues to allow their teams to play each other so that they can determine which team is better. I bet most players could care less too.
I don't think DA cares about this nor should they. Their mission is to find players for the National teams. They want DA to focus on development. It's the parents that want the various leagues to allow their teams to play each other so that they can determine which team is better. I bet most players could care less too.

Where does DA publish their "development" standings?
I don't think DA cares about this nor should they. Their mission is to find players for the National teams. They want DA to focus on development. It's the parents that want the various leagues to allow their teams to play each other so that they can determine which team is better. I bet most players could care less too.

DA was created to monetize labor. The problem now is the best kids are jumping overseas or not playing for MLS academies in order to keep their professional options open and maximize their worth. You have seen and will seen more teams signing kids at 14-15 now and see if they pan out. Before they didnt have to worry about this and keep labor cost low or turn around and sell the kid to an overseas club. MLS academies want other clubs to develop kids and then pluck them. The showcases and events being the them all together and the scouts can go around and sell the parents. Big Club knows kids will come and go, but that is why they sell other big cost programs. All this has limited development because MLS/US Soccer dont want to invest the money - thus they dont take risks on borderline kids. They have no interest on "real" development. Not a secret USSF is about money coming in, not going out. So they have done a good job convincing people "this is the way", "everything else sucks" to keep it all controlled.
None of those players were developed by the DA. Most are college players.
Not a coincidence the big marketing push for NWSL now. One team folded, but others with big money coming in. They are just repeating the blue print from the men's side. Lock up the talent. In So Cal most of the girls were playing ODP or ECNL...given DA didnt exist.
guess you must have missed the boys side the last 10 years

In the current MNT roster at USSF, less than 1/3 of the players have any development academy listed in their "full bios". The trend seems to be players that were born and/or developed outside the country - even after 10 years of DA.
Who else plays soccer? Just kidding I have son that played but he has aged out. We were discussing the girls program.
my apologies.

my point is to look at the entire history of DA. you can google articles with MLS officials saying "off the record" what DA was created for. Its to make money. Which isnt surprising given who runs US Soccer. Given DA is also 1 year old means other programs have been doing a good job on the woman's side - without DA. In fact better than the men's side. The problem is the rest of the world has gotten better and we still focus on what the late great Tony Dicicco said our issue is - speed, strength and being robotic.
Everything is about money. It always will be the case. Everyone needs to get paid. We need a system that monetizes the development of youth soccer players.
Thats not an exception - except maybe the number of kids who play on one team and also play ODP. Given I read that correctly.....Doesnt matter if you are in DA, ECNL, HS, Flight 1 or wherever. Where do you think ODP coaches work at? They are all scouts, work at colleges, high schools, universities and all network. Unless your kid is playing at a random mexican league, not going to float under the radar or be underexposed....

Not clear what your point is but if its to say that talented players get found ultimately, we agree.

The whole point that I was making is that DA will provide a path to more exposure to college coaches; hence, its easier to get found. The fact that pulguita's kid's team did so well and that those girls got placed in their college career is what I said being the exception, rather than the rule.

Having read your post since the quote above, you realize and know that the boys side DA has operated such that my original comment about how college coaches relies on DA to filter the lesser players for them. Also there are college coaches that go out of their way to find non-DA players because the expectation of non-DA players are quite different than those of DA players (in terms of scholarships).

Since DA is run by USSF, who also sanction USYouth Soccer (ODP), and USClub Soccer (ECNL, NPL, ID+), the debate of ECNL vs DA is not worth having like some are. Most people figure to be more interested being in a league ran by USSDA than through a 3rd party leagues. Over a short period, my sense is that, girls DA will replace ECNL as the nation's premier girls league. Just as boys DA has been for many years now.
Not clear what your point is but if its to say that talented players get found ultimately, we agree.

The whole point that I was making is that DA will provide a path to more exposure to college coaches; hence, its easier to get found. The fact that pulguita's kid's team did so well and that those girls got placed in their college career is what I said being the exception, rather than the rule.

Having read your post since the quote above, you realize and know that the boys side DA has operated such that my original comment about how college coaches relies on DA to filter the lesser players for them. Also there are college coaches that go out of their way to find non-DA players because the expectation of non-DA players are quite different than those of DA players (in terms of scholarships).

Since DA is run by USSF, who also sanction USYouth Soccer (ODP), and USClub Soccer (ECNL, NPL, ID+), the debate of ECNL vs DA is not worth having like some are. Most people figure to be more interested being in a league ran by USSDA than through a 3rd party leagues. Over a short period, my sense is that, girls DA will replace ECNL as the nation's premier girls league. Just as boys DA has been for many years now.

yep, point is players get found regardless. some are arguing that its DA is the end-all - which obviously isnt true. Totally with you on ECNL will close down eventually. I was stating that if you are in ODP or DA or ECNL, you are easily found. How much easier at one program vs another is pretty dependent on how active the coach is. some coaches/scouts are pretty lazy