THE DIRTY COP ( Mueller ) IS GOING DOWN !....He's been linked to Jeffery Epstien's Island !

We don’t know yet, do we? But if you look up Mueller’s resume and you listen to what everyone, including Trump, had to say about how he’s perfectly qualified for this gig (conservative Republican highly decorated veteran) and you remember the American justice system, then you might learn some differences between whining like a bitch about Obama and Clinton, and the wheels of true American justice, not just rubes shouting in an aren, grinding away on all of Trump’s cronies.
True American Justice, you aren't paying attention. Take your blinders off.
All you need to do is see who the FBI and DOJ have fired. Not to mention lynch, Lerner, Comey, clapper, Brennan and that POS holder.
All anti American commies.
So, you know what that says about you.
True American Justice, you aren't paying attention. Take your blinders off.
All you need to do is see who the FBI and DOJ have fired. Not to mention lynch, Lerner, Comey, clapper, Brennan and that POS holder.
All anti American commies.
So, you know what that says about you.
Mueller was not chosen because his character is "beyond reproach".
He was chosen because he knows how to railroad people.
True American Justice, you aren't paying attention. Take your blinders off.
All you need to do is see who the FBI and DOJ have fired. Not to mention lynch, Lerner, Comey, clapper, Brennan and that POS holder.
All anti American commies.
So, you know what that says about you.
Of course. The Justice Department and the judges and Robert Mueller and the stock market (right Ricky?) are all corrupt. I think if you are a real American, you understand that only Trump knows best.
Of course. The Justice Department and the judges and Robert Mueller and the stock market (right Ricky?) are all corrupt. I think if you are a real American, you understand that only Trump knows best.
Anyone know how to chart messyʻs concerns?
Now that's fucking funny.

The fact that NOW Sen Romney sat there and didn't spit in that
assholes face says everything about NOW Sen Romney......

He KNEW that Pot Smoking, Peter Puffing, Chicago Bath house Queen
was full of crap yet he did not verbally body slam him during that debate
on LIVE feed ......He's a sellout just like Bernie Sanders.....

History will NOT be nice to any one of those Idiots.....
People are going to be laughing at you for the rest of your life.

Will these go with you in your casket.....

You should....

Because what I've posted is TRUE and after TWO years of BS Kabuki theater
from the Democrats, this Filthy Cop named Mueller and their stalling of the
inevitable exposure of THEIR sick/corrupt shit to the AMERICAN PUBLIC
needs to happen NOW !!!!

This Micheal Cohen smoke screen released today is exactly what I new would
happen with the information that was exposed yesterday.....

Every time the POTUS leaves the continent the Filthy Dirty Special Counsel
does chickenshit moves like they did today....Every time !!!

Sen Mark Warner is up to his bulbous red nose in this scandal..
Rep Adam Schitt is up to his rosy red face in this scandal...
So are hundreds of others who have a vested interest in making DJT
go away as fast as possible before he completely exposes the depth
of this rotten corruption in Washington DC....!!!

The MSM/Democrats/Rhinos/Chickenshit Republican are all scared shitless
that he will release REAL information that will expose the depth of this Coup....

No one figured he would win when he came down that escalator ...No One !
Now that he's in office and fulfilling his promise of exposure of ALL, the
" Rats " are running in circles scared.....all the way down to the local water
carriers like we see here on this forum....

Scared little Rodents running in circles because the gig is about to split wide open !!!!

LMAO !!!!
Go ahead...LYAO, but the TRUTH is at your doorstep " Messy " diaper.

Actually the truth is coming out. And all of a sudden you’ll be writing about how it’s all a conspiracy and blah blah blah. You and sheriff Dufy are losing your audience... yawning..
Actually the truth is coming out. And all of a sudden you’ll be writing about how it’s all a conspiracy and blah blah blah. You and sheriff Dufy are losing your audience... yawning..

Pull your head out......
You are MY audience and I've lost nothing....