Tax Plan Fail

The really funny part of this is look at the financial problems that republicans left the country in over the last 20 years. Why is it that when republicans are in office there's a recession or talk of one? Bush had 2, Trump doing his best to start the second with complete fiscal irresponsibility.
You mean because the Democrat controlled Congress in Bushʻs 2nd term crafted afordable home goals that included GSEʻs buying sub prime Mortgage Backed Securities in the secondary market while giving rise to CDO’s?? Nice job Senators Dodd and Frank. And if that wasnʻt bad enough, they tried to fix things by putting the country in twice as much debt during the Obama years via.....wait for got it, 6 straight years of QE in Obamaʻs first 6 years. The biggest contribution to a Presidentʻs legacy ever! And if that wasnʻt bad enough still, The Dodd-Frank Act says no more bailouts but bail-ins instead. Whatʻs that you say? Well since TBTF exist still today, banks are still doing risky lending. When they fail again, all depositers and bond holders of that bank will have their cash and bonds converted to equities in that defunct financial institution. Donʻt ask Fries U grads how that looks on a balance sheet. Theyʻre still trying to avoid doing a Return on Assets calculation for the contents of their safety deposit boxes. Kinda tough to do that calculation because Frienance thinks asset purchase date and purchase price matter not for determining how much income your assets are generating. Oh well. Fries U! What a deal! Cluck, cluck