SCDSL/CSL Deadlines/Fees/Schedules

I am trying to get any intel on deadlines to register teams for this fall season through SCDSL. Has anyone heard how this is going to function during this COVID era. Are we having a full schedule, are fees waived or reimbursed if there's no full season?
From what I was told last night SCDSL is expecting full fees no waive or reimbursement and the deadline is June 13th. SMH
They need to get a Medical Professional... A Doctor to certify that it is safe with mitigation practices... Right now 16-20 weeks out ... no Doctor is going to give his/her signature to this. Anyone who complains about having a Doctor “bless” this should be viewed with contempt and skepticism.

I don’t see a vaccine in the next 16-20 weeks either.