QUOTE="messy, post: 287883, member: 3299"

Maybe in sports.
Recovery doesn't happen overnight...
You're 50 % there.....Glad you recognize the CHEATING finally !

Doesn’t matter anywhere else.
Oh yes it does, a LIE is a LIE no matter how you spin it.


So let's establish some basic facts.

Humans can reside with whom ever they want.
Humans can alter themselves however they want.
Humans can speak their minds however they want.

But the TRUTH will always be the TRUTH no matter what.

You cannot change the TRUTH.

Humans do not have the right to infringe on someone else's
privacy just because they " feel " it's Ok to do so.....

Males do not belong in the Females locker room just
because they " Feel " Female. Period.
Let me ask you a question, Mess, and do it on the honor system. Don't immediately run to your confidant... wikipedia. What do the names Justine Damond and Myosotis Familia mean to you? Now, your first instinct on Damond MIGHT be 'the stripper, skank girlfriend of Philando Castile.' Close, but no. She's the white woman murdered by a black cop in Minneapolis. She was approaching the officer to ask for help and had no criminal record. Why isn't she a household name like Eric Garner?

Miosotis Familia was a black cop in New York City. Have you EVER heard her name? She was on the job, sitting in her patrol unit, when a man walked up, put a gun to her head and blew her brains out. Do you remember the story? Do you remember his name? No... you don't. Nobody does. You know why? He was black and there's no money or publicity in it. I doubt that piece of shit, Al Sharpton, even knows she was assassinated just 2 years ago.
Haven’t heard of either of those people. Is your point that cops recklessly shoot non-black people as well? Or that black cops get shot by black people? Good job.
Haven’t heard of either of those people. Is your point that cops recklessly shoot non-black people as well? Or that black cops get shot by black people? Good job.

My point is that the black cop was the only innocent black person killed. But more importantly, my point is that you're like the drunk guy that gets knocked out in a fight, and when he wakes up 10 minutes later and everyone else has already left, calls his buddies and talks about how he kicked this dude's ass.
My point is that the black cop was the only innocent black person killed. But more importantly, my point is that you're like the drunk guy that gets knocked out in a fight, and when he wakes up 10 minutes later and everyone else has already left, calls his buddies and talks about how he kicked this dude's ass.
Huh? I think it’s interesting how in your own little world it’s Opposite Day. Pathetic, but interesting. There were enough of you weirdos in places other than where you and I live to actually elect Donald Trump to be president.
Huh? I think it’s interesting how in your own little world it’s Opposite Day. Pathetic, but interesting. There were enough of you weirdos in places other than where you and I live to actually elect Donald Trump to be president.
Not really a reply, just another opinion. You lack any substance...
Huh? I think it’s interesting how in your own little world it’s Opposite Day. Pathetic, but interesting. There were enough of you weirdos in places other than where you and I live to actually elect Donald Trump to be president.

Can you give me the name of a black person that was shot and killed by police for doing nothing wrong? I can... well, almost. Charles Kinsey was shot and shouldn't have been... but he's very much alive, the cop was prosecuted and hopefully Charles received a nice check. Anyone else?
Go right ahead. I'll watch.

Here's a sample of the police shooting database according to the Washington Post. I believe they hire all races, just so you know. Yeah, cops are only out shooting black people. (cough cough). Now that I think about it, I can't remember a single protest, a single looting mission or a single group of people blocking traffic in support of a white criminal getting shot because he/she didn't comply. Can you?

2019 - 637 so far. 200 white and 139 black
2018 - 452 white and 229 black
2017 - 459 whites and 223 black
2016 - 465 whites and 234 black
2015 - 497 whites and 258 black

Here's a sample of the police shooting database according to the Washington Post. I believe they hire all races, just so you know. Yeah, cops are only out shooting black people. (cough cough). Now that I think about it, I can't remember a single protest, a single looting mission or a single group of people blocking traffic in support of a white criminal getting shot because he/she didn't comply. Can you?

2019 - 637 so far. 200 white and 139 black
2018 - 452 white and 229 black
2017 - 459 whites and 223 black
2016 - 465 whites and 234 black
2015 - 497 whites and 258 black
Dude... facts dont work with these guys.

Here's a sample of the police shooting database according to the Washington Post. I believe they hire all races, just so you know. Yeah, cops are only out shooting black people. (cough cough). Now that I think about it, I can't remember a single protest, a single looting mission or a single group of people blocking traffic in support of a white criminal getting shot because he/she didn't comply. Can you?

2019 - 637 so far. 200 white and 139 black
2018 - 452 white and 229 black
2017 - 459 whites and 223 black
2016 - 465 whites and 234 black
2015 - 497 whites and 258 black

I thought you were going to be digging through the FBI reports.
Huh? I think it’s interesting how in your own little world it’s Opposite Day. Pathetic, but interesting. There were enough of you weirdos in places other than where you and I live to actually elect Donald Trump to be president.
You can thank the Democratic National Committee and their nominee selection and the same arrogance typified by the likes of you, will assure the re-election of Trump.
I thought you were going to be digging through the FBI reports.
You forget how to research Magoo?
That's the dumbest question I've ever asked you.
I'm sorry, of course you've forgotten how to research and cite your bad.
To your credit, you're a very good speller. Atta boy!