I Said Democrats are " Crazy "...This just reaffirmed IT !!!!!

Let's have an honest conversation. A 4-Star general came out with some pretty harsh things to say about Fox News. And as is done anymore, you were bring up Benedict Arnold to poison the well. I'm glad you self corrected.
Fuck fox, fuck the general...I explained what I was attempting to say...
You can accept my comments or not, I was talking about the second amendment with x10...when you went off the rails...
Fuck Trump , fuck you.
You remind me of him.... pompous, arrogant, cocksure...

Always question authority. Always.
That's what my post was saying that td dropped his four star general bullshit into..
I responded with General Arnold...to illustrate that you always question authority especially government authority.
That's why our forefathers placed the second amendment into the bill of rights...that's it, that's all.

Do you think the young man in Sacramento who was gunned down by agents of the government in the back yard of the house where he lived would have been better off with an AR-15 in his hands?
Do you think it is a good idea to run from police? How about jumping back yard fences at night while the police are chasing you after you were breaking into cars?
Do you think it is a good idea to run from police? How about jumping back yard fences at night while the police are chasing you after you were breaking into cars?

I see you are buying the government story without reservation. Are you going to resign your NRA membership?
Do you think the young man in Sacramento who was gunned down by agents of the government in the back yard of the house where he lived would have been better off with an AR-15 in his hands?

What do think will happen when you're caught stealing
property from the Golf Course and you run with balls
spilling about behind your seventy year old ass......
Do you think the young man in Sacramento who was gunned down by agents of the government in the back yard of the house where he lived would have been better off with an AR-15 in his hands?

It should have never happened.

Since you asked the question let's think about that for a minute...armed with an AR-15...or Apple 8? Hmmm...that's a tough one espola.

The police are gonna have a hard time defending shooting this man 20 times because he was armed with a cel. phone....
It should have never happened.

Since you asked the question let's think about that for a minute...armed with an AR-15...or Apple 8? Hmmm...that's a tough one espola.

The police are gonna have a hard time defending shooting this man 20 times because he was armed with a cel. phone....

The official defense was "split-second decision". Well, maybe for the first shot.
It should have never happened.

Since you asked the question let's think about that for a minute...armed with an AR-15...or Apple 8? Hmmm...that's a tough one espola.

The police are gonna have a hard time defending shooting this man 20 times because he was armed with a cel. phone....

Wow....sounds like the trigger happy Officers that shot up a Toyota Tacoma with two women delivering newspapers in the morning when they were looking for that rogue LA Officer Dorner ....They were soooo scared of him they were shooting cars, trucks....driving around like idiots in their pursuit of him. Then they cornered him in the mountains and proceeded to burn the house down and fill it full of bullets like Clint Eastwood's " The Gauntlet "...