All things disgusting with and around dump

What's your opinion on the "wet start" controversy? It's OK if you don't agree with 4nos, right?

You cannot disprove he EVER performed a " Wet Start " because :

A. You don't even understand the fuel basics of the Wright engine in that air frame.
B. You're so sucked up the exhaust chute of Democrats that reality isn't real for you.
C. You were NOT there.....Testimonies of individuals who were, I'm going with.

Look up REAL facts and you will realize that " Wet Starts " were possible.......

Pull your head out.
You're the one who puts your personal data up and then gets all threatening when someone notices?
Not at all.
I just dont appreciate someone insinuating that my company does sub par work, when they have no reason to do so.
Everyone knows who I am. I dont hide it, and never have.
Rat hides, you dont.

Did you figure out who "B-6" is yet?

B-6 is the redacted know that Jap....
Focusing on a provable point yet not understanding it is
quite a problem with you...

71 years you've been on this Planet, 66 of it should have
been working on some sort of critical thinking accumulation....
Now sit down, crack a beer, turn on the Communist News Network
and listen to complete absurdity.....maybe then will you shock
enough synapses into action .....letting YOU figure out B-6....
B-6 is the redacted know that Jap....
Focusing on a provable point yet not understanding it is
quite a problem with you...

71 years you've been on this Planet, 66 of it should have
been working on some sort of critical thinking accumulation....
Now sit down, crack a beer, turn on the Communist News Network
and listen to complete absurdity.....maybe then will you shock
enough synapses into action .....letting YOU figure out B-6....

It looks like you didn't.
The bonehead who posted that video obviously knows nothing about the Forrestal accident or US Navy flight deck procedures in general. Since blame for the Forrestal fire hinges at a critical point on the contention that aviation ordnancemen violated one or more required procedures (specifically - the TER pigtail was supposed to be left disconnected until the aircraft is next in line for launch, but to speed things up it had become common practice to do it much earlier in strike preparation), perhaps we should ask our local Navy recruiter for his opinion.