Help with blisters

Theres several stores that cater to runners, Id stop by one of them and see what they recommend. Runners high in Long beach is amazing, and they can custom make insoles too.
The full length only comes in black or white. You're correct. But you can get crew length in over 10 different colors.
What you do is put either length you choose on with your shin guards. Then you take your team color sock..cut them at the ankle..slide those on over..tape the slipped on team sock at the ankle. Bam!! Done deal. Lots of pros do it this way. I think they might even show that on the website but I didn't look.

Another believer of Trusox here. My dd was getting what she called, "inception blisters", which were basically blisters on top of blisters. Once we went with Trusox, they went away. She's been doing the cutting or "Ronaldo" method of wearing her socks and hasn't had any problems in games. At $40 bucks a pop, it can get expensive, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We have the ankle socks, the mid-calf and the full size. Unfortunately, the full-size only comes in the cushioned thickness, which she wasn't a fan of, but it all works.
Boots need to fit properly and be laced up tight to prevent slippage inside thus leading to blisters.
A few years ago my daughters feet were hammered from long sweaty days at a week long GK camp. I invested in Trusox. Expensive at $40 a pair but she's never had a blister since (knock on wood) and they last awhile. She won't wear anything else while playing.
Or maybe just try changing socks halfway thru game or practice. Keeps the feet drier by changing out of the sweaty socks which is only part of the problem. My .02
Tried the Trusox socks for the first time today in a game. While she still developed a blister on the ball of her foot that wrapped up in between toes, it was a huge improvement. Turf fields seem to be worse for her so that will be the true test in a few weeks. But definitely worth the money. Thanks for the recommendation.
I just wanted to update everyone in case it might help someone in the future. We went to a second doctor that noticed the sensitivity my dd has to bug bites/she had a blister on the top of her foot from a spider bite. This led to the realization that her blisters on the bottom of her feet from playing sports is due to an autoimmune/T-cell issue. Not sure the ramifications or work around but at least it is a start.
Glad to hear the socks while not 100% improvement..did help somewhat. Try liberal use of foot powder before putting socks on as well to help combat against moisture.
Hope the doc can help out with the others issues your DD is facing. Good luck to you guys!!
There are thin silky socks that wick mosture. They are meant for
hiking and worn under regular wool hiking socks. My son’s friends have had good results with them for hiking.
This is what we did for my son, who was very prone to blisters. We found very thin no-show type socks that he wore under his soccer socks. He would also apply a glide stick directly to his foot under the socks. His problems were generally on his heels/achilles area. This technique got him through years of soccer. He's U18 now and still playing. Hope this helps.
Thank you both for your suggestions. Yes we have tried everything listed on this thread plus many more including custom running shoes, orthotics etc. Just jogging 2 miles the other day made her feet burn. Something changed with her body chemistry in the last year or two to create the problem. We have Dr visits lined up for the next few weeks. Hopefully it is something that can be effectively dealt with.
I used to get them between my toes and on the bottom of my big toes while refereeing. I wrap all of my toes with medical paper tape. I no longer get blisters. The tape is 1/2 inch paper tape that I get off Amazon. Comes in a scotch tape type dispenser. As for other foot blisters try a runners glide that you can get at Road Runner Sports. Also make sure the socks fit tight. A lot of heal and ball of the foot blisters are caused by poorly fitting socks or shoes. Spend the extra money on good cleats and if the team socks don’t fit tight then go buy a pair that does. If playing a tournament, shoes and socks should come off after each game and clean socks on for the next game.
After months of seeing doctors and being told that my DD needs to learn to run so she is not so hard on her feet, she was diagnosed with both Raynaud’s and Perniosis/Chilblains.

Basically both are conditions that when your toes and/or fingers are exposed to cold, they turn blue and/or red and swell up. It has to do with the constricting of blood vessels which when they heat up again results in blood pouring into the surrounding tissue. (This is an oversimplification but I am sure you get the idea).

In December she woke up with swollen bright red toes. We thought she had been bitten by a spider because she has a strong reaction to bug bites. But the swelling and redness persisted for over two months. I researched conditons and went back to the doctor asking if she has Raynards. At first I was told no. But at a follow up visit when her feet almost looked normal, her toes turned blue in a matter of a few minutes. This led to multiple blood tests and return visits to the dermatologist and rheumatologist, both of whom confirmed the diagnosis.

Both are rare diseases and it is rare for them to present with blisters, like in my DDs case. All that can really be done is to keep the toes warm and dry. Luckily for us her condition does not appear to be associated with more serious underlying illnesses.

I guess the moral is that parents know when there is something wrong and to be persistent.